GitHub is a developer platform that allows developers to create, store, manage and share their code. It uses Git software, providing the distributed version control of Git plus access control, bug tracking, software feature requests, task management, continuous integration, and wikis for every project.
To learn how Jira entities map to SQL tables, consult the table mappings guide.
How to Setup
To connect to a GitHub data source you need to register the GitHub credentials. This requires:
- the name of the credential (which you can choose)
- Base URL
- GitHub Personal Access Token
Base URL
Users of GitHub Enterprise have their own custom URL, such as
, which isn't necessary for users of the GitHub cloud service.
GitHub Personal Access Token
Navigate to Profile → Settings → Developer Settings to view the screen displayed below.
Select Generate New Token (classic)
and on the following page, assign a name to your token and select an expiry date:
Finally, assign the following scopes:
- repo
- read:org
- gist
- read:user
- user:email
- read:project
as shown below:
More information regarding GitHub Personal Access Tokens can be found here.
List active artifacts
Query for the active segments within a particular repository, essential for monitoring and organizing artifacts in current projects and maintenance activities, allowing you to concentrate on active artifacts while excluding expired ones to enhance artifact management efficiency.
repository_full_name = :repository
and not expired;
List artifacts
Retrieve the artifacts linked to a given repository on GitHub to assist developers in comprehending or overseeing resources connected to the project.
repository_full_name = :repository;
List runners with mac operating system
Query for the segments that are using a Mac operating system in a given repository to gain insights into the OS distribution in your project for troubleshooting and optimization purposes.
repository_full_name = :repository
and os = 'macos';
List runners which are in use currently
Querying the specified repository can help identify which runners are currently in use, aiding in resource utilization understanding and real-time workflow run management.
repository_full_name = :repository
and busy;
List runners
Query which runners are linked to a given repository in GitHub Actions to aid in maintaining and optimizing workflow performance effectively.
repository_full_name = :repository;
List secrets
Query a specific repository in the GitHub Actions environment to discover its hidden aspects, which can be beneficial for evaluating the repository's security and integrity.
repository_full_name = :repository;
List failure workflow runs
List failed workflow runs in a given repository to help with debugging and troubleshooting workflow issues.
repository_full_name = :repository
and conclusion = 'failure';
List manual workflow runs
Query the manually triggered workflow runs in a given repository to analyze performance and results, enabling the identification of potential issues or areas for improvement.
repository_full_name = :repository
and event = 'workflow_dispatch';
List workflow runs
Query the settings of a given repository to gain insights into workflow runs, allowing for evaluation of efficiency, issue identification, and informed decisions on optimization.
repository_full_name = :repository;
List audit events by a specific actor (user) in the last 30 days
Querying activity logs can help monitor a specific user's actions on a platform like Github over a recent timeframe, enabling the detection of anomalies and ensuring a safe environment within the organization.
organization = :organization
and actor = 'some_user'
and created_at > now() - interval '30 day'
order by
List branch protection override audit events on a specific date using a search phrase
Query audit events from a repository on a specific date, focusing on branch protection overrides, to help organizations monitor and assess security risks and policy violations on their GitHub repositories.
organization = :organization phrase = 'action:protected_branch.policy_override created:2023-06-28'
order by
List repository creation and deletion audit events on a specific date
Query for repository creation and deletion events that occurred on a specific date within your organization to track changes and maintain a record of repository actions for audit or review purposes.
organization = :organization
and action IN ('repo.create', 'repo.destroy')
and created_at = '2023-01-01'
order by
List commit details for each branch
Query the details of each commit across various branches of a specific GitHub repository to monitor alterations, identify patterns, and assess the involvement of various contributors throughout time.
commit ->> 'sha' as commit_sha,
commit ->> 'message' as commit_message,
commit ->> 'url' as commit_url,
commit -> 'author' -> 'user' ->> 'login' as author,
commit ->> 'authored_date' as authored_date,
commit -> 'committer' -> 'user' ->> 'login' as committer,
commit ->> 'committed_date' as committed_date,
commit ->> 'additions' as additions,
commit ->> 'deletions' as deletions,
commit ->> 'changed_files' as changed_files
repository_full_name = :repository;
List branches
Query a given repository to identify the segments that symbolize distinct branches, along with their protection status and linked commit specifics, which proves valuable for grasping the organization and safety precautions of a project.
commit ->> 'sha' as commit_sha,
repository_full_name = :repository;
List branch protection information for each protected branch
Query the protection rules set for each safeguarded branch in a specific GitHub repository to understand the restrictions and permissions defining the repository's integrity.
branch_protection_rule ->> 'id' as rule_id,
branch_protection_rule ->> 'node_id' as rule_node_id,
branch_protection_rule ->> 'allows_deletions' as allows_deletions,
branch_protection_rule ->> 'allows_force_pushes' as allows_force_pushes,
branch_protection_rule ->> 'creator_login' as rule_creator,
branch_protection_rule ->> 'requires_commit_signatures' as requires_signatures,
branch_protection_rule ->> 'restricts_pushes' as restricts_pushes
repository_full_name = :repository
and protected = true;
Get repositories that require signed commits for merging
Query branches in a given repository that have a policy requiring signed commits for merging to maintain code integrity and ensure only verified changes are merged.
repository_full_name = :repository
and requires_commit_signatures = true;
Get a single branch protection rule by node id
Query the specific rules and restrictions enforced on a particular branch within a GitHub repository for insight into branch management, protection, and adherence to code review and collaboration standards.
node_id = 'BPR_xxXXXX0X0X0XXXX0';
List branch protection rules which are not currently utilised
Query for the locations within a given repository where branch protection rules are not being applied, facilitating the identification of unused rules and the optimization of the repository's security settings.
repository_full_name = :repository
and matching_branches = 0;
List code owners from rules
Query the ownership of various code sections in a specific repository to identify responsible parties, facilitating effective collaboration and issue resolution, exemplified by a CODEOWNERS file from the GitHub Docs repository.
# Order is important. The LAST matching pattern has the MOST precedence.
# gitignore style patterns are used, not globs.
# Engineering
*.js @github/docs-engineering
*.ts @github/docs-engineering
*.tsx @github/docs-engineering
/.github/ @github/docs-engineering
/script/ @github/docs-engineering
/includes/ @github/docs-engineering
/lib/search/popular-pages.json @github/docs-engineering
Dockerfile @github/docs-engineering
package-lock.json @github/docs-engineering
package.json @github/docs-engineering
# Localization
/.github/actions-scripts/msft-create-translation-batch-pr.js @github/docs-engineering
/.github/workflows/msft-create-translation-batch-pr.yml @github/docs-engineering
/translations/ @Octomerger
# Site Policy
/content/site-policy/ @github/site-policy-admins
# Content strategy
/contributing/ @github/docs-content-strategy
/contributing/ @github/docs-content-strategy
/contributing/ @github/docs-content-strategy
/contributing/ @github/docs-content-strategy
/contributing/ @github/docs-content-strategy
# Requires review of #actions-oidc-integration, docs-engineering/issues/1506
content/actions/deployment/security-hardening-your-deployments/** @github/oidc
Commits by a given author
Query contributions by a specific user to a GitHub repository, sorted by most recent, to track individual productivity or review a developer's change history.
repository_full_name = :repository
and author_login = 'e-gineer'
order by
authored_date desc;
Contributions by author
Query the segments with the highest activity by monitoring the frequency of contributions from individual authors in a specific GitHub repository, which aids in identifying the most active contributors in a project.
repository_full_name = :repository
group by
order by
count desc;
Commits with most file changes
Query the commits that have made the most file changes in a particular GitHub repository to understand key modifications that indicate the project's evolution and maintenance patterns.
repository_full_name = :repository
order by
changed_files desc;
Commits that were not verified
List the segments in a given repository that contain unverified commits, which can assist in identifying and enhancing security by pinpointing potentially malicious or unauthorized alterations to the codebase.
repository_full_name = :repository
and signature is null
order by
authored_date desc;
Recent commits
Retrieve the most recent changes in a given GitHub repository to monitor its evolution and gain insights into the development process.
repository_full_name = :repository
order by
authored_date desc;
List repositories having the security file
List the repositories on GitHub that have a security file to better grasp the security protocols established in each repository for maintaining project integrity and preventing unauthorized access.
security ->> 'text' as security_file_content
<credentials_name>.github_community_profile c
join <credentials_name>.github_my_repository r on r.name_with_owner = c.repository_full_name
security is not null;
Get details about ANY public gist (by id)
Query a given code snippet on Github using its unique ID to quickly grasp its content and context without the need to navigate the platform itself.
id = '3089509';
Get file details about ANY public gist (by id)
Query the contents of a public 'gist' on GitHub using its unique ID to effectively analyze shared code snippets without visiting the GitHub site.
id = '3089509';
List basic gitignore info
List the different types of gitignore files present in your GitHub repositories for a systematic exploration to gain insights into the various ignore rules used across projects, which can enhance code management practices.
order by
View the source of the Go template
Query a given repository to reveal the specifics of the initial Go template on GitHub, enabling developers to comprehend the base of Go programming language templates and initiating potential modifications or enhancements.
name = 'Go';
List comments for your issues
Query the dialogue related to your issues on GitHub to discover instances of comments, including details about the commenter, the comment's content, and its creation time.
c.number as issue,
i.author_login as issue_author,
c.author_login as comment_author,
c.body_text as content,
c.created_at as created,
<credentials_name>.github_issue_comment c
join <credentials_name>.github_my_issue i on i.repository_full_name = c.repository_full_name
and i.number = c.number;
List comments for a specific issue which match a certain body content
Query for comments within a GitHub repository issue that include a specified keyword to effectively manage and analyze issue discussions, particularly useful for locating references to specific topics or terms.
number as issue,
author_login as comment_author,
body_text as content,
repository_full_name = :repository
and number = 201
and body_text ~~* '%branch%';
List comments for a specific issue
Querying a repository can provide valuable information about the discussion related to a particular issue, including contributor details, comments, and interaction timelines, aiding in understanding the issue's progress and resolution.
repository_full_name = :repository
and number = 201;
Join with github_my_repository to find open issues in multiple repos that you own or contribute to
Retrieve the open issues in repositories you have ownership or contribution rights to, focusing on those associated with a specific project, assisting in workflow management and task prioritization by offering a comprehensive view of pending tasks.
<credentials_name>.github_my_repository as r,
<credentials_name>.github_issue as i
r.name_with_owner like 'raw-labs/snap%'
and i.state = 'OPEN'
and i.repository_full_name = r.name_with_owner;
List all issues with labels as a string array (instead of JSON objects)
Query a given repository to discover issues that have been marked with certain labels for the purpose of identifying trends and patterns in issue categorization, which can improve the efficiency of issue management and resolution.
json_agg(t) as labels
<credentials_name>.github_issue i,
jsonb_object_keys(i.labels) as t
repository_full_name = :repository
group by
List all open issues in a repository with a specific label
List a query that assists in pinpointing unresolved issues categorized with a particular label in a specified repository to aid in prioritizing bug resolutions and enhancing project management processes.
json_agg(t) as labels
<credentials_name>.github_issue i,
jsonb_object_keys(labels) as t
repository_full_name = :repository
and state = 'OPEN'
and labels ? 'bug'
group by
Report of the number issues in a repository by author
Query for the sections where certain authors are impacting the issue count of a specific project, facilitating the analysis of individual contributions and the recognition of significant contributors or troublesome sections depending on the number of issues created by each author.
count(*) as num_issues
repository_full_name = :repository
group by
order by
num_issues desc;
List the issues in a repository
Query the status and assignment of issues within a given GitHub repository to improve project task management and responsibility allocation, aiding in monitoring task progress and pinpointing workflow bottlenecks.
repository_full_name = :repository;
List the unassigned open issues in a repository
Query a specific repository to find open issues that have not been assigned yet, thereby ensuring all tasks are being addressed promptly.
repository_full_name = :repository
and assignees_total_count = 0
and state = 'OPEN';
List basic license info
Query the basic information about licensing in your GitHub repositories to ensure adherence to open source licensing requirements and grasp the permissions linked to various licenses.
Count your repositories by license
Query the count of repositories based on their licenses to analyze the distribution of license usage across them.
with license_key as (
license_info ->> 'key' as key
count(k.key) as num_repos
<credentials_name>.github_license as l
left join license_key as k on l.key = k.key
group by
order by
num_repos desc;
View conditions for a specific license
Query GitHub to examine the detailed conditions and descriptions linked to a specific license, which is essential for comprehending the usage terms and limitations before incorporating it into a project.
c ->> 'Key' as condition,
c ->> 'Description' as condition_desc
jsonb_array_elements(conditions) as c
key = 'gpl-3.0';
View limitations for a specific license
Query the limitations linked to a particular software license, like 'gpl-3.0', enabling comprehension of the rules and regulations that control the utilization of the licensed software.
l ->> 'Key' as limitation,
l ->> 'Description' as limitation_desc
jsonb_array_elements(limitations) as l
key = 'gpl-3.0';
View permissions for a specific license
Query the individual permissions linked to a specific software license to gain insight into the extent and restrictions of the license before utilizing or sharing software according to its conditions.
p ->> 'Key' as permission,
p ->> 'Description' as permission_desc
jsonb_array_elements(permissions) as p
key = 'gpl-3.0';
Summarize your gists by language.
Query the programming languages used in your GitHub gists to analyze their distribution and discover your most frequent language choices for creating gists.
file ->> 'language' as language,
<credentials_name>.github_my_gist g
cross join jsonb_array_elements(g.files) file
group by
order by
count desc;
List your gists
Retrieve all the gists created on GitHub to efficiently manage and monitor your shared code snippets.
List your public gists
Query your GitHub account to identify which code snippets are publicly accessible, facilitating the review of your open-source contributions and safeguarding against unintentional sharing of private code.
List your 10 oldest open issues
Retrieve your longest unresolved open issues to assist in prioritizing your workflow and effectively managing your project.
state = 'OPEN'
order by
List all of the open issues assigned to you
Query the GitHub platform to identify the open issues that are currently assigned to you, aiding in workload management and task prioritization.
state = 'OPEN';
Show your permissions on the Organization
Retrieve your access level and permissions within a GitHub organization to gain insight into your authorized actions, including organization administration, managing pinned items, creating projects, repositories, or teams, and verifying your current membership status.
login as organization,
members_with_role_total_count as members_count,
is_a_member as current_member
Show all members for the GitHub Organizations to which you belong
Query to identify the GitHub organizations that you are a part of, providing visibility into your collaborative coding environments and affiliations, which can aid in managing and comprehending your involvement in different coding projects and teams.
o.login as organization,
m.login as member_login
<credentials_name>.github_my_organization o
join <credentials_name>.github_organization_member m on o.login = m.organization;
List organization hooks that are insecure
Query potentially insecure organization hooks by identifying specific settings like lack of SSL security, absence of a secret, or non-HTTPS URLs to pinpoint and address security vulnerabilities within your organization's GitHub configuration.
login as organization,
jsonb_array_elements(hooks) as hook
hook -> 'config' ->> 'insecure_ssl' = '1'
or hook -> 'config' ->> 'secret' is null
or hook -> 'config' ->> 'url' not like '%https:%';
Basic info for the GitHub Organizations to which you belong
Query for the areas of membership in different GitHub organizations to gain insights into your engagement and position within them, such as the quantity of private and public repositories, team memberships, and total members.
login as organization,
private_repositories_total_count as private_repos,
public_repositories_total_count as public_repos,
teams_total_count as teams_count,
members_with_role_total_count as member_count,
Show Organization security settings
Query security settings within your organization to monitor member permissions and two-factor authentication requirements for proper protection of GitHub repositories and pages.
login as organization,
members_with_role_total_count as members_count,
List all your repository collaborators with admin or maintainer permissions
List individuals with elevated access rights in repositories to bolster security measures by verifying the necessity of permissions granted.
r.name_with_owner as repository_full_name,
<credentials_name>.github_my_repository r,
<credentials_name>.github_repository_collaborator c
r.name_with_owner = c.repository_full_name
and permission in ('ADMIN', 'MAINTAIN');
List repository hooks that are insecure
Query for identifying the segments with insecure settings in your GitHub repository hooks to uncover possible security vulnerabilities within the hooks configuration of repositories.
name as repository,
jsonb_array_elements(hooks) as hook
hook -> 'config' ->> 'insecure_ssl' = '1'
or hook -> 'config' ->> 'secret' is null
or hook -> 'config' ->> 'url' not like '%https:%';
List of repositories that you or your organizations own or contribute to
Query the repositories owned or contributed to by you or your organizations to gain insight into your coding engagements and collaborations, which can be valuable for monitoring project involvement and assessing the reach of your contributions.
order by
List your public repositories
Query your GitHub repositories to identify which ones are publicly accessible, a helpful way to safeguard your private work while showcasing the projects you desire.
not is_private;
Show repository stats
Query repository statistics on GitHub to analyze popularity and user engagement metrics, providing valuable insights into performance by examining aspects such as primary language, forks, stars, subscribers, watchers, and last update date.
primary_language ->> 'name' as language,
updated_at as last_updated,
List of your starred repositories
Retrieve a list of the repositories you have starred on Github for convenient access and review of your preferred projects, aiding in monitoring repositories of interest or those you plan to contribute to later on.
Basic info
Query the components of your GitHub team, such as the member count and repositories, in order to understand the team's structure and activities for improved resource management and allocation.
Get organization permission for each team
Query the permissions of each team within your organization on GitHub to assist in access control management and ensuring appropriate permissions alignment.
Get parent team details for child teams
Query the hierarchical structure of a GitHub organization by identifying sub-teams that are under a parent team to gain insight into team dynamics and collaboration structures within the organization.
parent_team ->> 'id' as parent_team_id,
parent_team ->> 'slug' as parent_team_slug
parent_team is not null;
List dependabot alerts
Query the status and ecosystem of dependency packages within a specific organization to identify potential security vulnerabilities or outdated dependencies in the codebase.
organization = :organization;
List open critical dependabot alerts
Query the locations of critical security threats in your organization's dependabot alerts to prioritize security issues requiring immediate attention.
organization = :organization
and state = 'open'
and security_advisory_severity = 'critical';
List open dependabot alerts
Query open alerts pertaining to software dependencies within a particular organization to pinpoint potential vulnerabilities or areas requiring updates, thereby enhancing security and efficacy.
organization = :organization
and state = 'open';
List external identities of an organization
Querying external identities associated with a specific organization provides valuable insights by identifying roles and usernames, assisting in evaluating the organization's security and access management structure.
saml_identity ->> 'username' as saml_user,
scim_identity ->> 'username' as scim_user,
organization_invitation ->> 'role' as invited_role
organization = :organization;
Basic info for a GitHub Organization
Query details of a particular GitHub organization to analyze its structure, activity, verification status, team and member counts, as well as repository count for insightful information.
login as organization,
teams_total_count as teams_count,
members_with_role_total_count as member_count,
repositories_total_count as repo_count
login = 'postgres';
List admin members with two factor authentication disabled
Query instances within your organization where administrative members have not activated two-factor authentication to improve security by addressing these vulnerabilities.
organization = :organization
and role = 'ADMIN'
and not has_two_factor_enabled;
List organization members
Query the organization's members and their roles to determine if two-factor authentication is enabled, which can bolster security measures by ensuring all members have an added layer of protection.
organization = :organization;
List members of an organization
Query a specific organization to determine which members have two-factor authentication enabled, assisting organizations in enforcing security protocols to guarantee added protection for all members' accounts.
o.login as organization,
m.login as user_login,
m.has_two_factor_enabled as mfa_enabled
<credentials_name>.github_organization o,
<credentials_name>.github_organization_member m
o.login = :organization
and o.login = m.organization;
List comments for a specific pull request which match a certain body content
Query for comments in a project update that include a specific keyword to streamline discussions and gain insights on relevant topics or issues within your project.
number as issue,
author_login as comment_author,
body_text as content,
repository_full_name = :repository
and number = 207
and body_text ~~* '%DELAY%';
List all comments for a specific pull request
Query for the meaningful insights that user comments on a specific pull request can offer, which helps in grasping user engagement and feedback on particular code alterations in a GitHub repository.
repository_full_name = :repository
and number = 207;
List comments for all open pull requests from a specific repository
Retrieve the comments on all open pull requests within a given project to delve into the ongoing modifications and gain insight into current issues, proposed solutions, and overall progress.
<credentials_name>.github_pull_request r
join <credentials_name>.github_pull_request_comment c on r.repository_full_name = c.repository_full_name
and r.number = c.number
r.repository_full_name = :repository
and r.state = 'OPEN';
Join with github_my_repository to find open PRs in multiple repos
Query for open pull requests in different repositories within a project, helpful for project managers to monitor contributions and updates.
<credentials_name>.github_my_repository as r,
<credentials_name>.github_pull_request as i
r.name_with_owner like 'raw-labs/snap%'
and i.state = 'OPEN'
and i.repository_full_name = r.name_with_owner;
List the open PRs in a repository with a given label
Query a specific repository to identify open pull requests labeled as 'bug' to streamline bug-fixing efforts and project management.
repository_full_name = :repository
and labels -> 'bug' = 'true';
List the open PRs in a repository assigned to a specific user
List all open pull requests in a specific repository that have been assigned to a particular user, which aids in monitoring and managing the workload of individual contributors in a project.
assignee_data ->> 'login' as assignee_login
jsonb_array_elements(assignees) as assignee_data
repository_full_name = :repository
and assignee_data ->> 'login' = 'my-github-user'
and state = 'OPEN';
List the pull requests for a repository that have been closed in the last week
List the method for monitoring recent activity in a designated GitHub repository, beneficial for project managers aiming to monitor project progress through identifying closed pull requests in the past week.
repository_full_name = :repository
and state = 'CLOSED'
and closed_at >= (current_date - interval '7' day)
order by
closed_at desc;
List open pull requests in a repository
Query the specific project to identify the active discussions regarding code changes, facilitating project management and contributor understanding of ongoing development initiatives and proposed modifications.
repository_full_name = :repository
and state = 'OPEN';
List open PRs in a repository with an array of associated labels
Query for open pull requests in a specific repository, along with their associated labels, which aids in work management and prioritization by providing insight into the context and importance of each pull request.
jsonb_agg(l ->> 'name') as labels
<credentials_name>.github_pull_request r,
jsonb_array_elements(r.labels_src) as l
repository_full_name = :repository
and state = 'OPEN'
group by
List reviews for a specific pull request which match a certain body content
Query for finding and addressing specific feedback within reviews of a particular pull request by pinpointing comments containing a specific keyword.
number as issue,
author_login as comment_author,
body as content,
repository_full_name = :repository
and number = 207
and body like '%minor%';
List all reviews for a specific pull request
Query all feedback related to a specific project update, which is valuable for developers and project managers seeking insights into the team's opinions, issues, and recommendations regarding a code change or feature enhancement.
repository_full_name = :repository
and number = 207;
List reviews for all open pull requests from a specific repository
Query the provided feedback for all active changes proposed in a specific project to gain insights into the suggested improvements or modifications by contributors during the development process.
<credentials_name>.github_pull_request r
join <credentials_name>.github_pull_request_review rv on r.repository_full_name = rv.repository_full_name
and r.number = rv.number
r.repository_full_name = :repository
and r.state = 'OPEN';
List rate limit of rest apis
Query how many requests remain and what the maximum limit is for your REST APIs to prevent exceeding rate limits and maintain operational efficiency.
List rate limit info for GraphQL
Query the usage and availability of your GraphQL rate limit on GitHub to effectively manage your API requests and prevent exceeding the limit, aiding in strategizing your application's interactions with GitHub's API for continuous service.
Download statistics per release
Query the popularity of various releases in a given repository by monitoring download counts to gain insights into user preferences and determine the most successful releases.
select as release_name,
a ->> 'name' as asset_name,
a ->> 'download_count' as download_count
<credentials_name>.github_release as r,
jsonb_array_elements(assets) as a
r.repository_full_name = :repository
and a ->> 'content_type' in ('application/zip', 'application/gzip')
order by
r.published_at desc,
List releases
Retrieve the update timeline for a given repository on Github to monitor the project's evolution and stay informed about new releases and modifications.
repository_full_name = :repository
order by
published_at desc;
Obtain a JSON array of admins for all your repositories
Retrieve the segments that help identify all administrators for a given set of GitHub repositories, which is crucial for efficiently managing access and permissions.
with repos as (
r.name_with_owner as repo,
json_agg(user_login) as admins
repos as r
inner join <credentials_name>.github_repository_collaborator as c on r.name_with_owner = c.repository_full_name
and c.permission = 'ADMIN'
group by
List all contributors of a repository
Query the permissions of different users within a specific project to assist project managers in grasping the roles and access levels of contributors for efficient management of project resources and responsibilities.
repository_full_name = :repository;
List all outside collaborators on a repository
Query the permissions granted to external collaborators in a given repository to verify access suitability and uncover security vulnerabilities.
repository_full_name = :repository
and affiliation = 'OUTSIDE';
List dependabot alerts
Query a given repository to ascertain the status and type of dependabot alerts in order to effectively manage and update dependencies.
repository_full_name = :repository;
List open critical dependabot alerts
Retrieve critical alerts in a given repository's dependencies that are currently open, facilitating the swift identification of potential security risks within the project's ecosystem.
repository_full_name = :repository
and state = 'open'
and security_advisory_severity = 'critical';
List open dependabot alerts
Query active dependency alerts within a specific GitHub repository to manage security and keep dependencies up-to-date in projects.
repository_full_name = :repository
and state = 'open';
List deployments for a repository
Query the deployment history of a given repository to analyze its version updates and changes contributed by various individuals, enabling monitoring of the project's development and evaluating its advancement throughout time.
creator ->> 'login' as creator_login,
ref ->> 'prefix' as ref_prefix,
ref ->> 'name' as ref_name,
repository_full_name = :repository;
List deployments for all your repositories
Query deployment history data for all repositories on GitHub to analyze deployment details like creator, status, and environment, gaining insights into the deployment activities of repositories.
creator ->> 'login' as creator_login,
ref ->> 'prefix' as ref_prefix,
ref ->> 'name' as ref_name,
repository_full_name in (
List environments for a repository
Retrieve the environments linked to a given repository to gain insights into the various locations where your code is undergoing testing or deployment.
repository_full_name = :repository;
List environments all your repositories
List the segments that encompass all of the environments in a given repository to facilitate the identification and management of the environments where your code is executed, thus improving your project's efficiency and security.
repository_full_name in (
Get your permissions for a specific repository
Query your access level to a specific repository to ascertain your ability to administer, create projects, subscribe, or update topics, ensuring you possess the appropriate permissions for your planned activities and minimizing the risk of encountering unexpected access problems.
full_name = :repository;
Get information about a specific repository
Query a given repository to retrieve its creation date, update history, disk usage, owner, primary language, number of forks, star count, URL, license information, and description, which provides valuable insights into the repository's status, usage, and popularity.
primary_language ->> 'name' as language,
license_info ->> 'spdx_id' as license,
full_name = 'postgres/postgres';
List SBOM packages with a specific package version
Query a specific GitHub repository to identify software bill of materials (SBOM) packages using a particular version, which is helpful for ensuring version consistency and addressing potential vulnerabilities linked to specific versions.
p ->> 'name' as package_name,
p ->> 'versionInfo' as package_version,
p ->> 'licenseConcluded' as package_license
jsonb_array_elements(packages) p
p ->> 'versionInfo' = '2.6.0'
and repository_full_name = :repository;
Find SBOMs created by a specific user or at a specific time
Query the software bill of materials (SBOMs) for a specific individual or date to track changes and better understand the history of software development.
creation_info ->> 'created_by' = 'my-github-user'
or creation_info ->> 'created_at' = '2023-11-16'
and repository_full_name = :repository;
Retrieve SBOMs under a specific data license
Query a specific repository to identify software bill of materials (SBOMs) licensed under a particular data license to aid in compliance assessment and intellectual property management.
data_license = 'CC0-1.0'
and repository_full_name = :repository;
Find SBOMs conforming to a specific SPDX version
Query settings to identify Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) that correspond to a particular SPDX version in a specified repository to ensure adherence and alignment with relevant standards.
spdx_version = '2.2'
and repository_full_name = :repository;
List vulnerability alerts
Querying a specific repository allows for analysis of its security vulnerabilities, offering details on severity and descriptions to facilitate prioritization and resolution of security issues.
security_advisory -> 'cvss' -> 'score' as cvss_score,
security_advisory ->> 'description' as description,
repository_full_name = :repository;
List open vulnerability alerts
Querying can help detect active vulnerability alerts within a specific GitHub repository, aiding in swiftly addressing potential threats to maintain repository security.
security_advisory -> 'cvss' -> 'score' as cvss_score,
security_advisory ->> 'description' as description,
repository_full_name = :repository
and state = 'OPEN';
List open critical vulnerability alerts
Query a given repository to identify any open critical security vulnerabilities, aiding in prioritizing security efforts by focusing on resolving the most severe issues initially.
security_advisory -> 'cvss' -> 'score' as cvss_score,
security_advisory ->> 'description' as description,
repository_full_name = :repository
and state = 'OPEN'
and severity = 'CRITICAL';
List searched codes by file location
Query for codes that have been searched based on their file location on GitHub to gain insights into areas of interest or common search behaviors within specific directories.
query = ' <credentials_name>.github_rate_limit path:docs/tables';
List searched codes while file size is greater than 40 KB
Query for files larger than 40KB and written in Markdown within a specific organization on GitHub to identify and potentially optimize or split up bloated files.
query = 'org:raw-labs size:>40000 language:markdown';
List searched codes by extension
Query for the most frequently searched codes by their file extension to analyze popular coding practices and enhance project organization based on code usage trends in your GitHub projects.
query = ' <credentials_name>.github_rate_limit path:docs/tables extension:md';
List searched codes by the file contents or file path
Query the segments that have been searched in a given repository on GitHub by either file contents or file path, offering advantages in identifying specific code locations and gaining understanding of code usage and organization.
query = 'Stargazers org:raw-labs in:file,path extension:go';
List searched codes by language
Query the languages that codes have been searched for on GitHub, which provides insights into the popularity and usage of various programming languages within a specific organization.
query = ' <credentials_name>.github_tag org:raw-labs language:markdown';
List searched codes within organization's repositories
Query the repositories in your organization to determine which codes have been searched, providing insights into the areas of interest and focus within your team's coding projects.
query = ' <credentials_name>.github_stargazer org:raw-labs extension:go';
List repository details
List through this query to delve into and grasp the specifics of individual repositories within your organization on GitHub, assisting in pinpointing and evaluating the repositories that house a particular file to streamline file management and organization effectively.
repository -> 'id' as repo_id,
repository ->> 'name' as repo_name,
repository ->> 'url' as repo_url,
jsonb_pretty(repository -> 'owner') as repo_owner
query = 'filename:table_ <credentials_name>.github_my_organization RowsRemaining';
List text match details
Querying GitHub code search can reveal text matches to pinpoint occurrences of specific text like filenames or properties within an organization's codebase.
jsonb_pretty(match -> 'matches') as matches,
match ->> 'fragment' as fragment,
match ->> 'property' as property,
match ->> 'object_url' as object_url,
match ->> 'object_type' as object_type
jsonb_array_elements(text_matches) as match
query = 'filename:table_ <credentials_name>.github_my_organization RowsRemaining';
List searched codes within a user's repositories
Query the searched codes in a user's repositories to gain insights into the areas of the codebase receiving attention and potentially influencing future development decisions.
query = 'Stargazers user:raw-labs extension:go';
List searched codes within a user's specific repository
Query codes that have been searched within a specific user's repository to identify popular topics or areas of interest within a particular project.
query = 'Stargazers repo:my-repo';
List searched commits by author
Query commits made by a specific author in a designated GitHub repository to gain insights into the author's contribution history and influence on the project.
query = 'author:my-github-user repo:my-repo';
List searched commits committed within the specified date range
Query commits made within a specified date range in a particular repository to track project progress or review changes during a specific period.
query = 'committer-date:2023-11-16..2023-11-23 repo:my-repo';
List searched commits by hash
Retrieve the specific commits in a given repository on GitHub by searching for a particular hash to track changes and comprehend the project's history.
query = 'hash:b0566eafb30e0595651c14a4c499b16e1c443767 repo:my-repo';
List searched commits by parent
Query commits on GitHub that have a specific parent commit to analyze the progression of code changes, track project evolution, and determine the effects of individual commits.
query = 'parent:b0566ea';
List searched commits by merge commits
Query the merged commits in a given repository to comprehend the alterations within it and monitor the project's advancement.
query = 'merge:true repo:my-repo';
List searched commits within organization's repositories
Query to track particular changes or additions in organization repositories, like pinpointing when a specific table was added, enabling monitoring and reviewing of the codebase evolution to improve oversight and control over the development process.
query = 'Add table <credentials_name>.github_my_star org:raw-labs';
List repository details
Query repository details such as name, ID, and owner with this helpful query, enabling easy access to key information without the need for manual navigation on GitHub.
repository -> 'name' as repo_name,
repository ->> 'id' as repo_id,
repository ->> 'html_url' as repo_html_url,
jsonb_pretty(repository -> 'owner') as repo_owner
query = 'hash:b0566eafb30e0595651c14a4c499b16e1c443767 repo:my-repo';
List searched commits within a user's specific repository
Query changes made within a user's repository to track project development and modifications effectively.
query = 'Add table <credentials_name>.github_my_star repo:my-repo';
List blocked issues
Query instances where issues are blocked in a given repository to understand project bottlenecks and prioritize tasks effectively.
query = 'label:blocked repo:my-repo';
List issues with over 10 comments
List instances where GitHub issues in a given organization have received more than 10 comments, beneficial for monitoring active discussions and identifying topics with high community engagement.
query = 'org:raw-labs comments:>10';
List issues with public visibility assigned to a specific user
Query for segments containing public issues assigned to a specified user on GitHub for the purpose of monitoring a developer's work or tracking public issues within a specific repository.
query = 'is:public assignee:my-github-user repo:my-repo';
List issues that took more than 30 days to close
Query segments within a particular organization that required over a month for resolution to analyze issue resolution efficiency and identify potential areas for workflow enhancement.
query = 'org:raw-labs state:closed'
and closed_at > (created_at + interval '30' day);
List issues in open state assigned to a specific user
Query a given repository to identify open issues assigned to a specific user, which can aid in monitoring the workload of that user or tracking the progress of issue resolution.
query = 'is:open assignee:my-github-user repo:my-repo';
List issues not linked to a pull request
Query the GitHub repository for the Steampipe plugin to find areas with active issues not linked to any pull request in order to identify tasks requiring attention or further investigation.
query = 'is:open -linked:pr repo:my-repo';
List issues by the title, body, or comments
List segments that contain issues by analyzing their title, body, or comments, which can enhance comprehension and efficient issue management.
query = ' <credentials_name>.github_search_commit in:title in:body';
List labels for bug, enhancement and blocked
Query a given repository to identify the usage of specific labels like 'bug', 'enhancement', and 'blocked' to gain insights into issue categorization and priority assignment.
repository_id = 331646306
and query = 'bug enhancement blocked';
List labels where specific text matches in name or description
Query a given repository to find areas where specific text matches in labels' name or description, facilitating the quick identification and categorization of labels pertaining to certain topics or tasks.
repository_id = 331646306
and query = 'work';
List pull requests that took more than 30 days to close
Query for the specific areas where pull requests have exceeded a one-month closure time to pinpoint bottlenecks in the code review process and gain insights for enhancing efficiency.
query = 'org:raw-labs state:closed'
and closed_at > (created_at + interval '30' day);
List pull requests with over 50 comments
Query the GitHub repositories to identify pull requests with over 50 comments to uncover areas where significant discussion has been sparked, shedding light on contentious or complex issues within the organization.
query = 'org:raw-labs comments:>50';
List open draft pull requests
List the draft pull requests in a GitHub organization to identify incomplete tasks and prioritize work for the development team.
query = 'org:raw-labs draft:true state:open';
List pull requests not linked to an issue
Query for instances where open pull requests are not associated with an issue in a specific repository to improve issue tracking and documentation of code changes.
query = 'is:open -linked:issue repo:my-repo';
List pull requests in open state assigned to a specific user
Query the open pull requests assigned to a specific user in a given repository to track their individual contributions and progress in a collaborative environment.
query = 'is:open assignee:my-github-user repo:my-repo';
List pull requests by the title, body, or comments
Query GitHub pull requests to identify discussions or changes relevant to specific topics or keywords based on criteria in the title, body, or comments.
query = ' <credentials_name>.github_search_issue in:title in:body in:comments';
List pull requests with public visibility assigned to a specific user
List the public visibility pull requests assigned to a particular user in a GitHub repository to monitor their participation and contributions to public projects effectively.
query = 'is:public assignee:my-github-user repo:my-repo';
List repositories based on contents of a repository
Query repositories that are popular among users by analyzing the content of a specific repository to gain insights into user preferences and trends in the open-source community.
query = 'stargazers in:readme repo:my-repo';
List repositories with more than 100000 followers
Query for the categories where high-performing repositories on GitHub have gained a significant following to uncover trends and patterns among the most popular repositories, providing valuable insights into the factors contributing to a repository's popularity.
query = 'followers:>=100000';
List forked repositories created within specific timestamp
Query for segments that have forked a given repository within a specified time frame, which can provide insights into the project's popularity and outreach during that period.
query = 'tinyspotifyr in:name created:2023-01-01..2023-01-05 fork:only';
Get a specific repository
Querying details about a repository, like the owner, programming language, and user engagement metrics can provide insights into its popularity and impact on the GitHub platform.
query = 'repo:my-repo';
List topics that were created after a specific timestamp
Query the segments that have been created post a specified date, particularly within the realm of react-redux, which is valuable for monitoring the progression and expansion of react-redux related subjects over time.
query = 'created:>2023-01-01 react-redux';
List featured topics
Query the highlighted topics on a given repository for the Steampipe GitHub plugin to gain insight into the emphasized or promoted areas of the plugin.
query = 'markdown is:featured repo:my-repo';
List topics that are not curated
Query a given repository to find topics that have not been curated, aiding in the upkeep of content quality and relevance by highlighting areas requiring additional focus.
query = 'target-searching is:not-curated repo:my-repo';
List topics that have more than 5000 repositories
List the areas where popular topics on GitHub have more than 5000 repositories to identify prevalent subjects and highlight busy areas for potential collaboration or learning.
query = 'repositories:>5000 react-redux';
List users
Query GitHub instances where users have 'raw-labs' in their name to locate relevant user profiles for deeper analysis or communication purposes.
query = 'raw-labs in:name type:user';
List users and organizations created between specific timestamp
Query the segments that have been newly added to your user base on GitHub within a defined timeframe to evaluate growth and track platform activity.
query = 'created:2023-01-01..2023-01-31 raw-labs';
Get user with specific username
Querying to discover the GitHub user associated with a given username provides access to comprehensive details like their distinct ID, login type, and URL.
query = 'user:my-github-user';
List stargazers with their contact information
Query a given repository to identify users who have starred it and gather their contact information to discover the segments that are actively showing interest, aiding in understanding the user base, facilitating community engagement, or reaching out for feedback.
user_detail ->> 'name' as name,
user_detail ->> 'company' as company,
user_detail ->> 'email' as email,
user_detail ->> 'url' as url,
user_detail ->> 'twitter_username' as twitter_username,
user_detail ->> 'website_url' as website,
user_detail ->> 'location' as location,
user_detail ->> 'bio' as bio
repository_full_name = :repository
order by
starred_at desc;
New stargazers by month
List the monthly count of new stargazers for a given project on Github to analyze its popularity trend, aiding in assessing the project's growth and monitoring community engagement over time.
to_char(starred_at, 'YYYY-MM') as month,
repository_full_name = :repository
group by
order by
List the stargazers of a repository
Query the users who have starred a specific GitHub repository and the timestamps of when they did so to gain insights into the repository's popularity and engagement.
repository_full_name = :repository
order by
starred_at desc;
Get commit details for each tag
Query the details of each commit associated with various tags in a GitHub repository for purposes such as monitoring changes, identifying authors, and ensuring the accuracy of commits, all of which are essential for code review and version control.
commit ->> 'sha' as commit_sha,
commit ->> 'message' as commit_message,
commit ->> 'url' as commit_url,
commit -> 'author' -> 'user' ->> 'login' as author,
commit ->> 'authored_date' as authored_date,
commit -> 'committer' -> 'user' ->> 'login' as committer,
commit ->> 'committed_date' as committed_date,
commit ->> 'additions' as additions,
commit ->> 'deletions' as deletions,
commit ->> 'changed_files' as changed_files,
commit -> 'signature' ->> 'is_valid' as commit_signed,
commit -> 'signature' ->> 'email' as commit_signature_email,
commit -> 'signature' -> 'signer' ->> 'login' as commit_signature_login,
commit ->> 'tarball_url' as tarball_url,
commit ->> 'zipball_url' as zipball_url
repository_full_name = :repository;
List tags
Query GitHub for tagged versions of a given repository to track the project's evolution and identify versions for troubleshooting or reference purposes.
commit ->> 'sha' as commit_sha
repository_full_name = :repository;
Order tags by semantic version
Retrieve the most relevant segments within a given repository by sorting tags based on their semantic version, aiding in comprehension of the project's evolution and advancement.
commit ->> 'sha' as commit_sha
repository_full_name = :repository
order by
string_to_array(regexp_replace(name, '[^0-9\.]', '', 'g'), '.'),
List team members for a specific team
Query team membership within a specific team in your organization to gain insights into team composition and roles.
slug as team_slug,
organization = :organization
and slug = :slug;
List team members with maintainer role for visible teams
Query the segments containing team members with a maintainer role in visible teams to analyze role distribution in your organization and identify individuals authorized to manage team settings.
t.organization as organization, as team_name,
t.slug as team_slug,
t.privacy as team_privacy,
t.description as team_description,
tm.login as member_login,
tm.role as member_role,
tm.status as member_status
<credentials_name>.github_team as t,
<credentials_name>.github_team_member as tm
t.organization = tm.organization
and t.slug = tm.slug
and tm.role = 'MAINTAINER';
List active team members with maintainer role for a specific team
Query to identify active team members with the 'Maintainer' role in a specific team within an organization, aiding in team role management and ensuring each team has an active maintainer.
slug as team_slug,
organization = :organization
and slug = :slug
and role = 'MAINTAINER';
List all visible teams in an organization
Retrieve the teams that are publicly visible within a specific organization on GitHub to gain insights into the organization's team structure and privacy settings.
organization = :organization;
Get parent team details for child teams
Query the hierarchical relationships among your organization's teams on Github to gain insights into team structures and identify sub-teams within larger parent teams.
parent_team ->> 'id' as parent_team_id,
parent_team ->> 'node_id' as parent_team_node_id,
parent_team ->> 'slug' as parent_team_slug
organization = :organization
and parent_team is not null;
List teams with pending user invitations
Query teams with pending invitations to users in order to streamline onboarding procedures and prioritize necessary follow-ups.
organization = :organization
and invitations_total_count > 0;
Get the number of repositories for a single team
Query the total number of repositories linked to a particular team in your organization, which can provide insights into the team's workload and resource allocation within the organization.
organization = :organization
and slug = 'my_team';
List a specific team's repositories
Querying a specific team's repositories within your organization on GitHub can provide insights into repository permissions, primary language, fork count, stargazer count, license information, and other pertinent details to aid in managing team resources and identifying areas for improvement.
slug as team_slug,
name as team_name,
primary_language ->> 'name' as language,
license_info ->> 'spdx_id' as license,
organization = :organization
and slug = :slug;
List visible teams and repositories they have admin permissions to
Retrieve a list of teams and their respective repositories in your organization with administrative permissions to manage access rights and security in your GitHub organization.
slug as team_slug,
name as name,
primary_language ->> 'name' as language
organization = :organization
and slug = :slug
and permission = 'ADMIN';
Get the number of members for a single team
Query the number of members in a particular team within your organization on Github, which can aid in assigning resources and comprehending team interactions.
organization = :organization
and slug = 'my_team';
List all visible teams
Query your GitHub account to identify the teams present, along with their respective privacy settings and descriptions, for effective collaboration management and insight into team dynamics.
organization = :organization;
List view statistics
Query the daily traffic statistics of a given repository to evaluate its popularity and number of distinct visitors, aiding in your understanding of the project's outreach and influence across different periods.
repository_full_name = :repository
order by
List view statistics
Query the popularity and unique visitor count trend for a particular repository on Github to gain insights into its visibility and influence for guiding upcoming development and marketing plans.
repository_full_name = :repository
order by
List executable files
List all executable files within a specified repository to understand its structure and content, as well as identifying potential security risks linked to executable files.
repository_full_name = :repository
and tree_sha = '0f200416c44b8b85277d973bff933efa8ef7803a'
and recursive = true
and mode = '100755';
List tree entries non-recursively
Query the elements within a given repository by identifying specific locations using a unique identifier to facilitate a non-recursive view of the repository's structure, making it easier to navigate and comprehend the layout and content of the repository.
repository_full_name = :repository
and tree_sha = '0f200416c44b8b85277d973bff933efa8ef7803a';
List JSON files
Querying a given repository can help developers or project managers quickly locate and manage all JSON files within it, aiding in tasks like code review, debugging, or configuration management.
repository_full_name = :repository
and tree_sha = '0f200416c44b8b85277d973bff933efa8ef7803a'
and recursive = true
and path like '%.json';
List tree entries for a subtree recursively
Query a specific subtree within a given repository to explore its components and gain insights into its recursive structure and elements.
repository_full_name = :repository
and tree_sha = '5622172b528cd38438c52ecfa3c20ac3f71dd2df'
and recursive = true;
Get information for a user
Query a particular GitHub user to analyze their activity and profile, which can provide valuable insights into contributions and user conduct.
login = 'torvalds';
List users that are members of multiple organizations
List users who are members of multiple organizations.
login = 'my-github-user'
and organizations_total_count > 1;
List workflows
Query a given repository to examine the traits and specifics of workflows, facilitating comprehension of the workflow layout and identifying distinct patterns or irregularities to assist in repository administration.
repository_full_name = :repository;
Examples combining GitHub and JIRA
Linking GitHub Pull Requests to Jira Issues by title key
Retrieve a list of GitHub pull requests linked to Jira issues by matching the Jira issue key found in the pull request title.
from "<github_credentials_name>".github_pull_request
inner join "<jira_credentials_name>".jira_issue
ON github_pull_request.title LIKE '%' || jira_issue.key || '%'
where github_pull_request.repository_full_name = COALESCE('raw-labs/snapi',:repository) and jira_issue.created > now() - (COALESCE(30,:days) || ' DAY')::INTERVAL
order by jira_issue.created;
Merged GitHub pull requests with Jira issues correlation
Retrieve closed Jira issues correlated with merged GitHub pull requests
select github_pull_request.number,
jira_issue.fields -> 'fixVersions' -> 0 ->> 'name' as version
from "<github_credentials_name>".github_pull_request
inner join "<jira_credentials_name>".jira_issue
ON github_pull_request.title LIKE '%' || jira_issue.key || '%'
where github_pull_request.repository_full_name = COALESCE('raw-labs/snapi',:repository)
and jira_issue.created > now() - (COALESCE(30,:days) || ' DAY')::INTERVAL
and (LOWER(jira_issue.status)='done' OR LOWER(jira_issue.status)='closed')
and LOWER(github_pull_request.state)='merged'
order by jira_issue.created
Development bottlenecks identification via PR merge times and Jira Issue Status analysis
Analyze the time from creation to merge of pull requests and its correlation with the status of associated Jira issues to identify review bottlenecks or complexity in issue implementation.
select github_pull_request.title,
EXTRACT(day FROM (github_pull_request.merged_at - github_pull_request.created_at)) AS days_to_merge,
from "<github_credentials_name>".github_pull_request
inner join "<jira_credentials_name>".jira_issue
on github_pull_request.title like '%' || jira_issue.key || '%'
where github_pull_request.repository_full_name = COALESCE('raw-labs/snapi',:repository)
and jira_issue.created > now() - (COALESCE(30,:days) || ' DAY')::INTERVAL;
Correlation Between Closed Jira Issues and Merged GitHub Pull Requests Within a Given Release
Retrieve closed Jira issues linked to merged GitHub pull requests, for a given release
select github_pull_request.number,
from "<github_credentials_name>".github_pull_request
inner join "<jira_credentials_name>".jira_issue
ON github_pull_request.title LIKE '%' || jira_issue.key || '%'
where github_pull_request.repository_full_name = COALESCE('raw-labs/snapi',:repository)
and jira_issue.created > now() - (COALESCE(30,:days) || ' DAY')::INTERVAL
and (LOWER(jira_issue.status)='done' OR LOWER(jira_issue.status)='closed')
and LOWER(github_pull_request.state)='merged'
and EXISTS (
FROM jsonb_array_elements(jira_issue.fields -> 'fixVersions') AS fv(version)
WHERE fv.version ->> 'name' = COALESCE('1.14.294',:version)
Listing of Jira issues linked to GitHub pull requests that do not belong to any release
Retrieve Jira issues linked to GitHub pull requests that do not belong to any release
select github_pull_request.number,
from "<github_credentials_name>".github_pull_request
inner join "<jira_credentials_name>".jira_issue
ON github_pull_request.title LIKE '%' || jira_issue.key || '%'
where github_pull_request.repository_full_name = COALESCE('raw-labs/snapi',:repository)
and jira_issue.created > now() - (COALESCE(30,:days) || ' DAY')::INTERVAL
and (jira_issue.fields::jsonb -> 'fixVersions' IS NULL OR jsonb_array_length(jira_issue.fields::jsonb -> 'fixVersions') = 0)
Table Mappings
Once the GitHub credential is registered, a new schema will be available for query. The name of this schema matches the name of the "Credential" you chose above.
Within this schema, you will find a set of tables, which contain the information stored in Jira. These tables are:
Table Name | Description |
github_actions_artifact | Actions Artifact |
github_actions_repository_runner | Actions Repository Runner |
github_actions_repository_secret | Actions Repository Secret |
github_actions_repository_workflow_run | Actions Repository Workflow Run |
github_audit_log | Audit Log |
github_branch | Branch |
github_branch_protection | Branch Protection |
github_code_owner | Code Owner |
github_commit | Commit |
github_community_profile | Community Profile |
github_gist | Gist |
github_gitignore | Gitignore |
github_issue | Issue |
github_issue_comment | Issue Comment |
github_license | License |
github_my_gist | My Gist |
github_my_issue | My Issue |
github_my_organization | My Organization |
github_my_repository | My Repository |
github_my_star | My Star |
github_my_team | My Team |
github_organization | Organization |
github_organization_dependabot_alert | Organization Dependabot Alert |
github_organization_external_identity | Organization External Identity |
github_organization_member | Organization Member |
github_pull_request | Pull Request |
github_pull_request_comment | Pull Request Comment |
github_pull_request_review | Pull Request Review |
github_rate_limit | Rate Limit |
github_rate_limit_graphql | Rate Limit Graphql |
github_release | Release |
github_repository | Repository |
github_repository_collaborator | Repository Collaborator |
github_repository_dependabot_alert | Repository Dependabot Alert |
github_repository_deployment | Repository Deployment |
github_repository_environment | Repository Environment |
github_repository_sbom | Repository Sbom |
github_repository_vulnerability_alert | Repository Vulnerability Alert |
github_search_code | Search Code |
github_search_commit | Search Commit |
github_search_issue | Search Issue |
github_search_label | Search Label |
github_search_pull_request | Search Pull Request |
github_search_repository | Search Repository |
github_search_topic | Search Topic |
github_search_user | Search User |
github_stargazer | Stargazer |
github_tag | Tag |
github_team | Team |
github_team_member | Team Member |
github_team_repository | Team Repository |
github_traffic_view_daily | Traffic View Daily |
github_traffic_view_weekly | Traffic View Weekly |
github_tree | Tree |
github_user | User |
github_workflow | Workflow |
Actions Artifact
The table github_actions_artifact offers valuable information on artifacts created by GitHub Actions workflows. If you're a software developer or a DevOps engineer, you can delve into artifact-specific information within this table, like metadata and download links. This resource helps you discover details about artifacts, such as their size, download paths, and which workflow runs they are linked to.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
archive_download_url | text | Archive download URL for the artifact. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Time when the artifact was created. |
expired | boolean | It defines whether the artifact is expires or not. |
expires_at | timestamp with time zone | Time when the artifact expires. |
id | bigint | Unique ID of the artifact. |
name | text | The name of the artifact. |
node_id | text | Node where GitHub stores this data internally. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | Full name of the repository that contains the artifact. |
size_in_bytes | bigint | Size of the artifact in bytes. |
Actions Repository Runner
The github_actions_repository_runner table offers information on the self-hosted runners of GitHub Actions linked to a particular repository. In your role as a DevOps engineer, you can examine specific details about the runners using this table, such as their IDs, names, operating systems, statuses, and related metadata. Make use of this table to supervise and oversee your self-hosted runners, confirming that they are operating correctly and are kept current.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
busy | boolean | Indicates whether the runner is currently in use or not. |
id | bigint | The unique identifier of the runner. |
labels | jsonb | Labels represents a collection of labels attached to each runner. |
name | text | The name of the runner. |
os | text | The operating system of the runner. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | Full name of the repository that contains the runners. |
status | text | The status of the runner. |
Actions Repository Secret
The table github_actions_repository_secret offers information about secrets saved in a GitHub repository. As a security engineer, analyze specific details related to these secrets using the table, such as their names and the dates they were created or modified. This resource can help you discover insights into the repository's secrets, identifying any that are no longer needed or outdated for a holistic understanding of the repository's security practices.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Time when the secret was created. |
name | text | The name of the secret. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | Full name of the repository that contains the secrets. |
selected_repositories_url | text | The GitHub URL of the repository. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Time when the secret was updated. |
visibility | text | The visibility of the secret. |
Actions Repository Workflow Run
The table for github_actions_repository_workflow_run offers valuable information about GitHub Actions Repository Workflow Runs. For software developers and DevOps engineers, this table allows you to examine specific details of each workflow run within a repository, such as its status, conclusion, and additional metadata. This tool can be used to closely track and evaluate the outcomes and efficiency of your CI/CD workflows, aiding in maintaining an effective and productive software development process.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
actor | jsonb | The user whom initiated the first instance of this workflow run. |
actor_login | text | The login of the user whom initiated the first instance of the workflow run. |
artifacts_url | text | The address for artifact GitHub web page. |
cancel_url | text | The address for workflow run cancel GitHub web page. |
check_suite_url | text | The address for the workflow check suite GitHub web page. |
conclusion | text | The conclusion for workflow run. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Time when the workflow run was created. |
event | text | The event for which workflow triggered off. |
head_branch | text | The head branch of the workflow run branch. |
head_commit | jsonb | The head commit details for workflow run. |
head_repository | jsonb | The head repository info for the workflow run. |
head_sha | text | The head sha of the workflow run. |
html_url | text | The address for the organization's GitHub web page. |
id | bigint | The unque identifier of the workflow run. |
jobs_url | text | The address for the workflow job GitHub web page. |
logs_url | text | The address for the workflow logs GitHub web page. |
node_id | text | The node id of the worflow run. |
pull_requests | jsonb | The pull request details for the workflow run. |
repository | jsonb | The repository info for the workflow run. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | Full name of the repository that specifies the workflow run. |
rerun_url | text | The address for workflow rerun GitHub web page. |
run_number | bigint | The number of time workflow has run. |
run_started_at | timestamp with time zone | Time when the workflow run was started. |
status | text | The status of the worflow run. |
triggering_actor | jsonb | The user whom initiated the latest instance of this workflow run. |
triggering_actor_login | text | The login of the user whom initiated the latest instance of this workflow run. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Time when the workflow run was updated. |
url | text | The address for the workflow run GitHub web page. |
workflow_id | text | The workflow id of the worflow run. |
workflow_url | text | The address for workflow GitHub web page. |
Audit Log
The github_audit_log table offers valuable information on user activity on GitHub. As a Security Analyst, you can use this table to investigate individual user actions, such as what actions were taken, the repositories involved, and when the actions occurred. This information can be utilized to discover details about user activities like changes to repositories, adjustments in team memberships, and any security threats that may arise.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
action | text | The action performed. |
actor | text | The GitHub user who performed the action. |
actor_location | jsonb | The actor's location at the moment of the action. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | The timestamp of the audit event. |
data | jsonb | Additional data relating to the audit event. |
id | text | The id of the audit event. |
include | text | The event types to include: web, git, all. |
organizationrequired | text | The GitHub organization. |
phrase | text | The search phrase for your audit events. |
repo | text | The GitHub repository, when the action relates to a repository. |
team | text | The GitHub team, when the action relates to a team. |
user_login | text | The GitHub user, when the action relates to a user. |
The github_branch table offers valuable information on branches found in GitHub repositories. Developers or project managers can use this table to delve into branch-specific data like names, commits, protection status, and relevant metadata. It can help in discovering details about branches, such as those with protection enabled, the commits linked to each branch, and the status of branch protections.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
branch_protection_rule | jsonb | Branch protection rule if protected. |
commit | jsonb | Latest commit on the branch. |
name | text | Name of the branch. |
protected | boolean | If true, the branch is protected. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | Full name of the repository that contains the branch. |
Branch Protection
The github_branch_protection table offers information on branch protection rules in GitHub. Whether you're a DevOps engineer or a repository manager, this table allows you to delve into specific branch details, like enforcing status checks, pull request reviews, and push restrictions. Use it to discover insights on branch protections, such as strict requirements, enforcing signed commits, and limitations on push permissions for certain users.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
allows_deletions | boolean | If true, allow users with push access to delete matching branches. |
allows_force_pushes | boolean | If true, permit force pushes for all users with push access. |
blocks_creations | boolean | If true, indicates that branch creation is a protected operation. |
bypass_force_push_allowance_apps | jsonb | Applications can force push to the branch only if in this list. |
bypass_force_push_allowance_teams | jsonb | Teams can force push to the branch only if in this list. |
bypass_force_push_allowance_users | jsonb | Users can force push to the branch only if in this list. |
bypass_pull_request_allowance_apps | jsonb | Applications can bypass pull requests to the branch only if in this list. |
bypass_pull_request_allowance_teams | jsonb | Teams can bypass pull requests to the branch only if in this list. |
bypass_pull_request_allowance_users | jsonb | Users can bypass pull requests to the branch only if in this list. |
creator_login | text | The login of the user whom created the branch protection rule. |
dismisses_stale_reviews | boolean | If true, new commits pushed to matching branches dismiss pull request review approvals. |
id | bigint | The ID of the branch protection rule. |
is_admin_enforced | boolean | If true, enforce all configured restrictions for administrators. |
lock_allows_fetch_and_merge | boolean | If true, users can pull changes from upstream when the branch is locked. |
lock_branch | boolean | If true, matching branches are read-only and cannot be pushed to. |
matching_branches | bigint | Count of branches which match this rule. |
node_id | text | The Node ID of the branch protection rule. |
pattern | text | The protection rule pattern. |
push_allowance_apps | jsonb | Applications can push to the branch only if in this list. |
push_allowance_teams | jsonb | Teams can push to the branch only if in this list. |
push_allowance_users | jsonb | Users can push to the branch only if in this list. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | The full name of the repository (login/repo-name). |
require_last_push_approval | boolean | If true, the most recent push must be approved by someone other than the person who pushed it. |
required_approving_review_count | bigint | Number of approving reviews required to update matching branches. |
required_deployment_environments | jsonb | List of required deployment environments that must be deployed successfully to update matching branches. |
required_status_checks | jsonb | Status checks that must pass before a branch can be merged into branches matching this rule. |
requires_approving_reviews | boolean | If true, approving reviews required to update matching branches. |
requires_code_owner_reviews | boolean | If true, reviews from code owners are required to update matching branches. |
requires_commit_signatures | boolean | If true, commits are required to be signed by verified signatures. |
requires_conversation_resolution | boolean | If true, requires all comments on the pull request to be resolved before it can be merged to a protected branch. |
requires_deployments | boolean | If true, matching branches require deployment to specific environments before merging. |
requires_linear_history | boolean | If true, prevent merge commits from being pushed to matching branches. |
requires_status_checks | boolean | If true, status checks are required to update matching branches. |
requires_strict_status_checks | boolean | If true, branches required to be up to date before merging. |
restricts_pushes | boolean | If true, pushing to matching branches is restricted. |
restricts_review_dismissals | boolean | If true, review dismissals are restricted. |
Code Owner
The github_code_owner table offers information about the code owners in a GitHub repository. Repository administrators can utilize this table to identify the owners of different sections of the codebase and to guarantee that all modifications undergo review by the relevant parties. This table is also beneficial for developers seeking to identify the appropriate contacts for specific code sections, and for project managers aiming to grasp the allocation of code ownership in a project.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
line | bigint | The rule's line number in the CODEOWNERS file. |
line_comment | text | Specifies the comment following the node and before empty lines. |
pattern | text | The pattern used to identify what code a team, or an individual is responsible for |
pre_comments | jsonb | Specifies the comments added above a key. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | The full name of the repository, including the owner and repo name. |
teams | jsonb | Teams responsible for code in the repo |
users | jsonb | Users responsible for code in the repo |
The github_commit table offers information on individual commits in a GitHub repository. Developers and project managers can delve into commit-related details in this table, such as author details, commit messages, and timestamps. Use this resource to gain insights into the development timeline, monitor code modifications, and evaluate development trends in your projects.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
additions | bigint | Number of additions in the commit. |
author | jsonb | The commit author. |
author_login | text | The login name of the author of the commit. |
authored_by_committer | boolean | Check if the committer and the author match. |
authored_date | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the author made this commit. |
can_subscribe | boolean | If true, user can subscribe to this commit. |
changed_files | bigint | Count of files changed in the commit. |
commit_url | text | URL of the commit. |
committed_date | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when commit was committed. |
committed_via_web | boolean | If true, commit was made via GitHub web ui. |
committer | jsonb | The committer. |
committer_login | text | The login name of the committer. |
deletions | bigint | Number of deletions in the commit. |
message | text | Commit message. |
message_headline | text | The Git commit message headline. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the commit. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | Full name of the repository that contains the commit. |
sha | text | SHA of the commit. |
short_sha | text | Short SHA of the commit. |
signature | jsonb | The signature of commit. |
status | jsonb | Status of the commit. |
subscription | text | Users subscription state of the commit. |
tarball_url | text | URL to download a tar of commit. |
tree_url | text | URL to tree of the commit. |
url | text | URL of the commit. |
zipball_url | text | URL to download a zip of commit. |
Community Profile
The github_community_profile table offers information on the well-being and engagement of Github repositories. Whether you are a repository owner or contributor, you can delve into this table to find information such as the availability of contributing guidelines, code of conduct, and issue templates. This resource can be used to assess the overall status of repositories, gauge their community involvement, and pinpoint areas that may need enhancement.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
code_of_conduct | jsonb | Code of conduct for the repository. |
contributing | jsonb | Contributing guidelines for the repository. |
issue_templates | jsonb | Issue template for the repository. |
license_info | jsonb | License for the repository. |
pull_request_templates | jsonb | Pull request template for the repository. |
readme | jsonb | README for the repository. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | Full name of the repository that contains the tag. |
security | jsonb | Security for the repository. |
The table github_gist offers valuable information on Gists found on GitHub. Developers and team leaders can use this table to delve into specific details about Gists, like descriptions, comments, files, forks, history, ownership, and privacy status. This resource can be utilized to discover more about Gists, such as their version history, fork information, and related comments.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
comments | bigint | The number of comments for the gist. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | The timestamp when the gist was created. |
description | text | The gist description. |
files | jsonb | Files in the gist. |
git_pull_url | text | The https url to pull or clone the gist. |
git_push_url | text | The https url to push the gist. |
html_url | text | The HTML URL of the gist. |
idrequired | text | The unique id of the gist. |
node_id | text | The Node ID of the gist. |
owner_id | bigint | The user id (number) of the gist owner. |
owner_login | text | The user login name of the gist owner. |
owner_type | text | The type of the gist owner (User or Organization). |
public | boolean | If true, the gist is public, otherwise it is private. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | The timestamp when the gist was last updated. |
The github_gitignore table offers information about Gitignore templates that can be found on GitHub. If you are a developer or a DevOps engineer, you can use this table to delve into specific details of each template, such as its name and source. This resource can help you explore and comprehend the structure of available templates, enabling you to make an informed decision on which one to choose for your project.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
name | text | Name of the gitignore template. |
source | text | Source code of the gitignore template. |
The table github_issue offers valuable information regarding issues found in GitHub repositories. Project managers and developers can use this table to delve into specific details about issues, like their status, assignees, labels, and associated metadata. It can be used to discover details about issues such as overdue tasks, how team members collaborate on particular issues, and the general progress of issues in a project.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
active_lock_reason | text | Reason that the conversation was locked. |
assignees | jsonb | A list of Users assigned to the issue. |
assignees_total_count | bigint | Count of assignees on the issue. |
author | jsonb | The actor who authored the issue. |
author_association | text | Author's association with the subject of the issue. |
author_login | text | The login of the issue author. |
body | text | Identifies the body of the issue. |
body_url | text | URL for this issue body. |
closed | boolean | If true, issue is closed. |
closed_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when issue was closed. |
comments_total_count | bigint | Count of comments on the issue. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when issue was created. |
created_via_email | boolean | If true, issue was created via email. |
editor | jsonb | The actor who edited the issue. |
full_database_id | bigint | Identifies the primary key from the database as a BigInt. |
id | bigint | The ID of the issue. |
includes_created_edit | boolean | If true, issue was edited and includes an edit with the creation data. |
is_pinned | boolean | if true, this issue is currently pinned to the repository issues list. |
is_read_by_user | boolean | if true, this issue has been read by the user. |
labels | jsonb | A map of labels for the issue. |
labels_src | jsonb | The first 100 labels associated to the issue. |
labels_total_count | bigint | Count of labels on the issue. |
last_edited_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when issue was last edited. |
locked | boolean | If true, issue is locked. |
milestone | jsonb | The milestone associated with the issue. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the issue. |
number | bigint | The issue number. |
published_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when issue was published. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | The full name of the repository (login/repo-name). |
state | text | The state of the issue. |
state_reason | text | The reason for the issue state. |
title | text | The title of the issue. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when issue was last updated. |
url | text | URL for the issue. |
user_can_close | boolean | If true, user can close the issue. |
user_can_react | boolean | If true, user can react on the issue. |
user_can_reopen | boolean | If true, user can reopen the issue. |
user_can_subscribe | boolean | If true, user can subscribe to the issue. |
user_can_update | boolean | If true, user can update the issue, |
user_cannot_update_reasons | jsonb | A list of reason why user cannot update the issue. |
user_did_author | boolean | If true, user authored the issue. |
user_subscription | text | Subscription state of the user to the issue. |
Issue Comment
The table github_issue_comment offers detailed information on comments made on GitHub issues. If you are a project manager or developer, you can examine specific details about comments in this table, such as the commenter, time of creation, comment content, and related metadata. This resource can be used to monitor user interactions, collect feedback, track the progress of issue resolution, and foster teamwork in solving problems.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
author | jsonb | The actor who authored the comment. |
author_association | text | Author's association with the subject of the issue/pr the comment was raised on. |
author_login | text | The login of the comment author. |
body | text | The contents of the comment as markdown. |
body_text | text | The contents of the comment as text. |
can_delete | boolean | If true, user can delete the comment. |
can_minimize | boolean | If true, user can minimize the comment. |
can_react | boolean | If true, user can react to the comment. |
can_update | boolean | If true, user can update the comment. |
cannot_update_reasons | jsonb | A list of reasons why user cannot update the comment. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when comment was created. |
created_via_email | boolean | If true, comment was created via email. |
did_author | boolean | If true, user authored the comment. |
editor | jsonb | The actor who edited the comment. |
editor_login | text | The login of the comment editor. |
id | bigint | The ID of the comment. |
includes_created_edit | boolean | If true, comment was edited and includes an edit with the creation data. |
is_minimized | boolean | If true, comment has been minimized. |
last_edited_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when comment was last edited. |
minimized_reason | text | The reason for comment being minimized. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the comment. |
numberrequired | bigint | The issue/pr number. |
published_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when comment was published. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | The full name of the repository (login/repo-name). |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when comment was last updated. |
url | text | URL for the comment. |
The table github_license offers information on the various licenses employed in GitHub repositories. Whether you are a software developer or a supporter of open-source projects, you can delve into the details of these licenses using this table, which covers their permissions, requirements, and restrictions. This resource can help you grasp the terms governing the use, modification, and distribution of the software concerned.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
conditions | jsonb | An array of license conditions (include-copyright,disclose-source, etc). |
description | text | The license description. |
featured | boolean | If true, the license is 'featured' in the GitHub UI. |
hidden | boolean | Whether the license should be displayed in license pickers. |
implementation | text | Implementation instructions for the license. |
key | text | The unique key of the license. |
limitations | jsonb | An array of limitations for the license (trademark-use, liability,warranty, etc). |
name | text | The name of the license. |
nickname | text | The customary short name of the license. |
permissions | jsonb | An array of permissions for the license (private-use, commercial-use,modifications, etc). |
pseudo_license | boolean | Indicates if the license is a pseudo-license placeholder (e.g. other, no-license). |
spdx_id | text | The Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) id of the license. |
url | text | The HTML URL of the license. |
My Gist
The table github_my_gist offers valuable information about Gists on GitHub. Developers and GitHub users can utilize this table to delve into specific details of Gists, such as file content, comments, and metadata. It can be used for managing and analyzing Gists based on various criteria like content, comments count, and file details within the Gists.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
comments | bigint | The number of comments for the gist. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | The timestamp when the gist was created. |
description | text | The gist description. |
files | jsonb | Files in the gist. |
git_pull_url | text | The https url to pull or clone the gist. |
git_push_url | text | The https url to push the gist. |
html_url | text | The HTML URL of the gist. |
id | text | The unique id of the gist. |
node_id | text | The Node ID of the gist. |
owner_id | bigint | The user id (number) of the gist owner. |
owner_login | text | The user login name of the gist owner. |
owner_type | text | The type of the gist owner (User or Organization). |
public | boolean | If true, the gist is public, otherwise it is private. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | The timestamp when the gist was last updated. |
My Issue
The table github_my_issue offers valuable information on individual issues within GitHub. Whether you are a project manager or developer, you can delve into specific issue details available in this table, such as the issue title, status, assignee, and related metadata. This table can be used to effectively oversee and monitor tasks, enhancements, and issues in your projects.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
active_lock_reason | text | Reason that the conversation was locked. |
assignees | jsonb | A list of Users assigned to the issue. |
assignees_total_count | bigint | Count of assignees on the issue. |
author | jsonb | The actor who authored the issue. |
author_association | text | Author's association with the subject of the issue. |
author_login | text | The login of the issue author. |
body | text | Identifies the body of the issue. |
body_url | text | URL for this issue body. |
closed | boolean | If true, issue is closed. |
closed_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when issue was closed. |
comments_total_count | bigint | Count of comments on the issue. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when issue was created. |
created_via_email | boolean | If true, issue was created via email. |
editor | jsonb | The actor who edited the issue. |
full_database_id | bigint | Identifies the primary key from the database as a BigInt. |
id | bigint | The ID of the issue. |
includes_created_edit | boolean | If true, issue was edited and includes an edit with the creation data. |
is_pinned | boolean | if true, this issue is currently pinned to the repository issues list. |
is_read_by_user | boolean | if true, this issue has been read by the user. |
labels | jsonb | A map of labels for the issue. |
labels_src | jsonb | The first 100 labels associated to the issue. |
labels_total_count | bigint | Count of labels on the issue. |
last_edited_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when issue was last edited. |
locked | boolean | If true, issue is locked. |
milestone | jsonb | The milestone associated with the issue. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the issue. |
number | bigint | The issue number. |
published_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when issue was published. |
repository_full_name | text | The full name of the repository (login/repo-name). |
state | text | The state of the issue. |
state_reason | text | The reason for the issue state. |
title | text | The title of the issue. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when issue was last updated. |
url | text | URL for the issue. |
user_can_close | boolean | If true, user can close the issue. |
user_can_react | boolean | If true, user can react on the issue. |
user_can_reopen | boolean | If true, user can reopen the issue. |
user_can_subscribe | boolean | If true, user can subscribe to the issue. |
user_can_update | boolean | If true, user can update the issue, |
user_cannot_update_reasons | jsonb | A list of reason why user cannot update the issue. |
user_did_author | boolean | If true, user authored the issue. |
user_subscription | text | Subscription state of the user to the issue. |
My Organization
The table github_my_organization offers valuable information about a user's main organization on GitHub. If you're a project manager or team leader, you can delve into organization-specific information using this table, such as member permissions, repository details, and administrative functions. Make use of this resource to efficiently manage your organization's projects and boost team efficiency.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
announcement | text | The text of the announcement. |
announcement_expires_at | timestamp with time zone | The expiration date of the announcement, if any. |
announcement_user_dismissible | boolean | If true, the announcement can be dismissed by the user. |
any_pinnable_items | boolean | If true, this organization has items that can be pinned to their profile. |
avatar_url | text | URL pointing to the organization's public avatar. |
billing_email | text | The email address for billing. |
can_administer | boolean | If true, you can administer the organization. |
can_changed_pinned_items | boolean | If true, you can change the pinned items on the organization's profile. |
can_create_projects | boolean | If true, you can create projects for the organization. |
can_create_repositories | boolean | If true, you can create repositories for the organization. |
can_create_teams | boolean | If true, you can create teams within the organization. |
can_sponsor | boolean | If true, you can sponsor this organization. |
collaborators | bigint | The number of collaborators for the organization. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the organization was created. |
default_repo_permission | text | The default repository permissions for the organization. |
description | text | The description of the organization. |
text | The email address associated with the organization. | |
estimated_next_sponsors_payout_in_cents | bigint | The estimated next GitHub Sponsors payout for this organization in cents (USD). |
followers | bigint | The number of users following the organization. |
following | bigint | The number of users followed by the organization. |
has_organization_projects | boolean | If true, the organization can use organization projects. |
has_repository_projects | boolean | If true, the organization can use repository projects. |
has_sponsors_listing | boolean | If true, this organization has a GitHub Sponsors listing. |
hooks | jsonb | The Hooks of the organization. |
id | bigint | The ID number of the organization. |
interaction_ability | jsonb | The interaction ability settings for this organization. |
is_a_member | boolean | If true, you are an active member of the organization. |
is_following | boolean | If true, you are following the organization. |
is_sponsoring | boolean | If true, you are sponsoring the organization. |
is_sponsoring_you | boolean | If true, you are sponsored by this organization. |
is_verified | boolean | If true, the organization has verified its profile email and website. |
location | text | The organization's public profile location. |
login | text | The login name of the organization. |
members_allowed_repository_creation_type | text | Specifies which types of repositories non-admin organization members can create |
members_can_create_internal_repos | boolean | If true, members can create internal repositories. |
members_can_create_pages | boolean | If true, members can create pages. |
members_can_create_private_repos | boolean | If true, members can create private repositories. |
members_can_create_public_repos | boolean | If true, members can create public repositories. |
members_can_create_repos | boolean | If true, members can create repositories. |
members_can_fork_private_repos | boolean | If true, members can fork private organization repositories. |
members_with_role_total_count | bigint | Count of members with a role within the organization. |
monthly_estimated_sponsors_income_in_cents | bigint | The estimated monthly GitHub Sponsors income for this organization in cents (USD). |
name | text | The display name of the organization. |
new_team_url | text | URL for creating a new team. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the organization. |
packages_total_count | bigint | Count of packages within the organization. |
pinnable_items_total_count | bigint | Count of pinnable items within the organization. |
pinned_items_remaining | bigint | Returns how many more items this organization can pin to their profile. |
pinned_items_total_count | bigint | Count of itesm pinned to the organization's profile. |
plan_filled_seats | bigint | The number of used seats for the plan. |
plan_name | text | The name of the GitHub plan. |
plan_private_repos | bigint | The number of private repositories for the plan. |
plan_seats | bigint | The number of available seats for the plan |
plan_space | bigint | The total space allocated for the plan. |
private_repositories_total_count | bigint | Count of private repositories within the organization. |
projects_total_count | bigint | Count of projects within the organization. |
projects_url | text | URL listing organization's projects. |
projects_v2_total_count | bigint | Count of V2 projects within the organization. |
public_repositories_total_count | bigint | Count of public repositories within the organization. |
repositories_total_count | bigint | Count of all repositories within the organization. |
repositories_total_disk_usage | bigint | Total disk usage for all repositories within the organization. |
saml_identity_provider | jsonb | The Organization's SAML identity provider. Visible to (1) organization owners, (2) organization owners' personal access tokens (classic) with read:org or admin:org scope, (3) GitHub App with an installation token with read or write access to members, else null. |
sponsoring_total_count | bigint | Count of users the organization is sponsoring. |
sponsors_listing | jsonb | The GitHub sponsors listing for this organization. |
sponsors_total_count | bigint | Count of sponsors the organization has. |
teams_total_count | bigint | Count of teams within the organization. |
teams_url | text | URL listing organization's teams. |
total_sponsorship_amount_as_sponsor_in_cents | bigint | The amount in United States cents (e.g., 500 = $5.00 USD) that this entity has spent on GitHub to fund sponsorships. Only returns a value when viewed by the user themselves or by a user who can manage sponsorships for the requested organization. |
twitter_username | text | The organization's Twitter username. |
two_factor_requirement_enabled | boolean | If true, all members in the organization must have two factor authentication enabled. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the organization was last updated. |
url | text | The URL for this organization. |
web_commit_signoff_required | boolean | If true, contributors are required to sign off on web-based commits for repositories in this organization. |
website_url | text | URL for the organization's public website. |
My Repository
The table github_my_repository offers valuable information about individual GitHub repositories. For developers or project managers, this table allows you to delve into specific repository details like its name, description, owner, and visibility. You can use this table to oversee and control your repositories by checking visibility, reviewing descriptions, and identifying owners.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
allow_update_branch | boolean | If true, a pull request head branch that is behind its base branch can always be updated even if it is not required to be up to date before merging. |
archived_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when repository was archived. |
auto_merge_allowed | boolean | If true, auto-merge can be enabled on pull requests in this repository. |
can_administer | boolean | If true, you can administer this repository. |
can_create_projects | boolean | If true, you can create projects in this repository. |
can_subscribe | boolean | If true, you can subscribe to this repository. |
can_update_topics | boolean | If true, you can update topics on this repository. |
code_of_conduct | jsonb | The code of conduct for this repository. |
contact_links | jsonb | List of contact links associated to the repository. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the repository was created. |
default_branch_ref | jsonb | Default ref information. |
delete_branch_on_merge | boolean | If true, branches are automatically deleted when merged in this repository. |
description | text | The description of the repository. |
disk_usage | bigint | Number of kilobytes this repository occupies on disk. |
fork_count | bigint | Number of forks there are of this repository in the whole network. |
forking_allowed | boolean | If true, repository allows forks. |
funding_links | jsonb | The funding links for this repository. |
has_discussions_enabled | boolean | If true, the repository has the Discussions feature enabled. |
has_downloads | boolean | If true, the GitHub Downloads feature is enabled on the repository. |
has_issues_enabled | boolean | If true, the repository has issues feature enabled. |
has_pages | boolean | If true, the GitHub Pages feature is enabled on the repository. |
has_projects_enabled | boolean | If true, the repository has the Projects feature enabled. |
has_starred | boolean | If true, you have starred this repository. |
has_vulnerability_alerts_enabled | boolean | If true, vulnerability alerts are enabled for the repository. |
has_wiki_enabled | boolean | If true, the repository has wiki feature enabled. |
homepage_url | text | The external URL of the repository if set. |
hooks | jsonb | The API Hooks URL. |
id | bigint | The numeric ID of the repository. |
interaction_ability | jsonb | The interaction ability settings for this repository. |
is_archived | boolean | If true, the repository is unmaintained (archived). |
is_blank_issues_enabled | boolean | If true, blank issue creation is allowed. |
is_disabled | boolean | If true, this repository disabled. |
is_empty | boolean | If true, this repository is empty. |
is_fork | boolean | If true, the repository is a fork. |
is_in_organization | boolean | If true, repository is either owned by an organization, or is a private fork of an organization repository. |
is_locked | boolean | If true, repository is locked. |
is_mirror | boolean | If true, the repository is a mirror. |
is_private | boolean | If true, the repository is private or internal. |
is_security_policy_enabled | boolean | If true, repository has a security policy. |
is_template | boolean | If true, the repository is a template that can be used to generate new repositories. |
is_user_configuration_repository | boolean | If true, this is a user configuration repository. |
issue_templates | jsonb | A list of issue templates associated to the repository. |
license_info | jsonb | The license associated with the repository. |
lock_reason | text | The reason the repository has been locked. |
merge_commit_allowed | boolean | If true, PRs are merged with a merge commit on this repository. |
merge_commit_message | text | How the default commit message will be generated when merging a pull request. |
merge_commit_title | text | How the default commit title will be generated when merging a pull request. |
mirror_url | text | The repository's original mirror URL. |
name | text | The name of the repository. |
name_with_owner | text | The repository's name with owner. |
network_count | bigint | The number of member repositories in the network. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the repository. |
open_graph_image_url | text | The image used to represent this repository in Open Graph data. |
open_issues_total_count | bigint | Count of issues open on the repository. |
owner_login | text | Login of the repository owner. |
possible_commit_emails | jsonb | A list of emails you can commit to this repository with. |
primary_language | jsonb | The primary language of the repository's code. |
projects_url | text | The URL listing the repository's projects. |
pull_request_templates | jsonb | Returns a list of pull request templates associated to the repository. |
pushed_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the repository was last pushed to. |
rebase_merge_allowed | boolean | If true, rebase-merging is enabled on this repository. |
repository_topics_total_count | bigint | Count of topics associated with the repository. |
security_policy_url | text | The security policy URL. |
squash_merge_allowed | boolean | If true, squash-merging is enabled on this repository. |
squash_merge_commit_message | text | How the default commit message will be generated when squash merging a pull request. |
squash_merge_commit_title | text | How the default commit title will be generated when squash merging a pull request. |
ssh_url | text | The SSH URL to clone this repository. |
stargazer_count | bigint | Returns a count of how many stargazers there are on this repository. |
subscribers_count | bigint | The number of users who have subscribed to the repository. |
subscription | text | Identifies if the current user is watching, not watching, or ignoring the repository. |
topics | jsonb | The topics (similar to tags or labels) associated with the repository. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when repository was last updated. |
url | text | The URL of the repository. |
uses_custom_open_graph_image | boolean | if true, this repository has a custom image to use with Open Graph as opposed to being represented by the owner's avatar. |
visibility | text | Indicates the repository's visibility level. |
watchers_total_count | bigint | Count of watchers on the repository. |
web_commit_signoff_required | boolean | If true, contributors are required to sign off on web-based commits in this repository. |
your_permission | text | Your permission level on the repository. Will return null if authenticated as an GitHub App. |
My Star
The table github_my_star offers valuable information about the repositories that have been starred by the GitHub user who is currently logged in. Developers and project managers can use this table to delve into specific repository details such as names, owners, and the dates when stars were added. This data can be leveraged to study user preferences, identify new areas of interest, and efficiently handle the repositories that have been starred.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
repository_full_name | text | The full name of the repository, including the owner and repo name. |
starred_at | timestamp with time zone | The timestamp when the repository was starred. |
url | text | URL of the repository. |
My Team
The table github_my_team offers valuable information about teams in GitHub. Developers and project managers can use this table to delve into team-specific information, such as access rights, team organization, and linked repositories. This resource can help reveal details about teams, like which teams have administrative privileges for repositories, how access rights are distributed among team members, and the verification of team members.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
ancestors_total_count | bigint | Count of ancestors this team has. |
avatar_url | text | URL for teams avatar. |
can_administer | boolean | If true, current user can administer the team. |
can_subscribe | boolean | If true, current user can subscribe to the team. |
child_teams_total_count | bigint | Count of children teams this team has. |
combined_slug | text | The slug corresponding to the organization and the team. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when team was created. |
description | text | The description of the team. |
discussions_total_count | bigint | Count of team discussions. |
discussions_url | text | URL for team discussions. |
edit_team_url | text | URL for editing this team. |
id | bigint | The ID of the team. |
invitations_total_count | bigint | Count of outstanding team member invitations for the team. |
members_total_count | bigint | Count of team members. |
members_url | text | URL for team members. |
name | text | The name of the team. |
new_team_url | text | The HTTP URL creating a new team. |
node_id | text | The node id of the team. |
organization | text | The organization the team is associated with. |
parent_team | jsonb | The teams parent team. |
privacy | text | The privacy setting of the team (VISIBLE or SECRET). |
projects_v2_total_count | bigint | Count of the teams v2 projects. |
repositories_total_count | bigint | Count of repositories the team has. |
repositories_url | text | URL for team repositories. |
slug | text | The team slug name. |
subscription | text | Subscription status of the current user to the team. |
teams_url | text | URL for this team's teams. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when team was last updated. |
url | text | URL for the team page in GitHub. |
The table github_organization offers information on Organizations on GitHub. Developers and project managers can use this table to access organization-specific details, such as profile information, public repository count, and associated metadata. It can be used to discover details about organizations like their location, public repository count, and other profile information.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
announcement | text | The text of the announcement. |
announcement_expires_at | timestamp with time zone | The expiration date of the announcement, if any. |
announcement_user_dismissible | boolean | If true, the announcement can be dismissed by the user. |
any_pinnable_items | boolean | If true, this organization has items that can be pinned to their profile. |
avatar_url | text | URL pointing to the organization's public avatar. |
billing_email | text | The email address for billing. |
can_administer | boolean | If true, you can administer the organization. |
can_changed_pinned_items | boolean | If true, you can change the pinned items on the organization's profile. |
can_create_projects | boolean | If true, you can create projects for the organization. |
can_create_repositories | boolean | If true, you can create repositories for the organization. |
can_create_teams | boolean | If true, you can create teams within the organization. |
can_sponsor | boolean | If true, you can sponsor this organization. |
collaborators | bigint | The number of collaborators for the organization. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the organization was created. |
default_repo_permission | text | The default repository permissions for the organization. |
description | text | The description of the organization. |
text | The email address associated with the organization. | |
estimated_next_sponsors_payout_in_cents | bigint | The estimated next GitHub Sponsors payout for this organization in cents (USD). |
followers | bigint | The number of users following the organization. |
following | bigint | The number of users followed by the organization. |
has_organization_projects | boolean | If true, the organization can use organization projects. |
has_repository_projects | boolean | If true, the organization can use repository projects. |
has_sponsors_listing | boolean | If true, this organization has a GitHub Sponsors listing. |
hooks | jsonb | The Hooks of the organization. |
id | bigint | The ID number of the organization. |
interaction_ability | jsonb | The interaction ability settings for this organization. |
is_a_member | boolean | If true, you are an active member of the organization. |
is_following | boolean | If true, you are following the organization. |
is_sponsoring | boolean | If true, you are sponsoring the organization. |
is_sponsoring_you | boolean | If true, you are sponsored by this organization. |
is_verified | boolean | If true, the organization has verified its profile email and website. |
location | text | The organization's public profile location. |
loginrequired | text | The login name of the organization. |
members_allowed_repository_creation_type | text | Specifies which types of repositories non-admin organization members can create |
members_can_create_internal_repos | boolean | If true, members can create internal repositories. |
members_can_create_pages | boolean | If true, members can create pages. |
members_can_create_private_repos | boolean | If true, members can create private repositories. |
members_can_create_public_repos | boolean | If true, members can create public repositories. |
members_can_create_repos | boolean | If true, members can create repositories. |
members_can_fork_private_repos | boolean | If true, members can fork private organization repositories. |
members_with_role_total_count | bigint | Count of members with a role within the organization. |
monthly_estimated_sponsors_income_in_cents | bigint | The estimated monthly GitHub Sponsors income for this organization in cents (USD). |
name | text | The display name of the organization. |
new_team_url | text | URL for creating a new team. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the organization. |
packages_total_count | bigint | Count of packages within the organization. |
pinnable_items_total_count | bigint | Count of pinnable items within the organization. |
pinned_items_remaining | bigint | Returns how many more items this organization can pin to their profile. |
pinned_items_total_count | bigint | Count of itesm pinned to the organization's profile. |
plan_filled_seats | bigint | The number of used seats for the plan. |
plan_name | text | The name of the GitHub plan. |
plan_private_repos | bigint | The number of private repositories for the plan. |
plan_seats | bigint | The number of available seats for the plan |
plan_space | bigint | The total space allocated for the plan. |
private_repositories_total_count | bigint | Count of private repositories within the organization. |
projects_total_count | bigint | Count of projects within the organization. |
projects_url | text | URL listing organization's projects. |
projects_v2_total_count | bigint | Count of V2 projects within the organization. |
public_repositories_total_count | bigint | Count of public repositories within the organization. |
repositories_total_count | bigint | Count of all repositories within the organization. |
repositories_total_disk_usage | bigint | Total disk usage for all repositories within the organization. |
saml_identity_provider | jsonb | The Organization's SAML identity provider. Visible to (1) organization owners, (2) organization owners' personal access tokens (classic) with read:org or admin:org scope, (3) GitHub App with an installation token with read or write access to members, else null. |
sponsoring_total_count | bigint | Count of users the organization is sponsoring. |
sponsors_listing | jsonb | The GitHub sponsors listing for this organization. |
sponsors_total_count | bigint | Count of sponsors the organization has. |
teams_total_count | bigint | Count of teams within the organization. |
teams_url | text | URL listing organization's teams. |
total_sponsorship_amount_as_sponsor_in_cents | bigint | The amount in United States cents (e.g., 500 = $5.00 USD) that this entity has spent on GitHub to fund sponsorships. Only returns a value when viewed by the user themselves or by a user who can manage sponsorships for the requested organization. |
twitter_username | text | The organization's Twitter username. |
two_factor_requirement_enabled | boolean | If true, all members in the organization must have two factor authentication enabled. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the organization was last updated. |
url | text | The URL for this organization. |
web_commit_signoff_required | boolean | If true, contributors are required to sign off on web-based commits for repositories in this organization. |
website_url | text | URL for the organization's public website. |
Organization Dependabot Alert
The table github_organization_dependabot_alert offers valuable information on Dependabot Alerts in GitHub. Whether you are a security analyst or developer, you can investigate specific alert details such as status, severity, and package name using this table. It serves as a tool to discover details about security vulnerabilities in your GitHub organization's dependencies, assisting you in maintaining the safety and freshness of your projects.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
alert_number | bigint | The security alert number. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | The time that the alert was created. |
dependency_manifest_path | text | The unique manifestation path within the ecosystem. |
dependency_package_ecosystem | text | The package's language or package management ecosystem. |
dependency_package_name | text | The unique package name within its ecosystem. |
dependency_scope | text | The execution scope of the vulnerable dependency. |
dismissed_at | timestamp with time zone | The time that the alert was dismissed. |
dismissed_comment | text | An optional comment associated with the alert's dismissal. |
dismissed_reason | text | The reason that the alert was dismissed. |
fixed_at | timestamp with time zone | The time that the alert was no longer detected and was considered fixed. |
html_url | text | The GitHub URL of the alert resource. |
organizationrequired | text | The login name of the organization. |
security_advisory_cve_id | text | The unique CVE ID assigned to the advisory. |
security_advisory_cvss_score | double precision | The overall CVSS score of the advisory. |
security_advisory_cvss_vector_string | text | The full CVSS vector string for the advisory. |
security_advisory_cwes | jsonb | The associated CWEs |
security_advisory_description | text | A long-form Markdown-supported description of the advisory. |
security_advisory_ghsa_id | text | The unique GitHub Security Advisory ID assigned to the advisory. |
security_advisory_published_at | timestamp with time zone | The time that the advisory was published. |
security_advisory_severity | text | The severity of the advisory. |
security_advisory_summary | text | A short, plain text summary of the advisory. |
security_advisory_updated_at | timestamp with time zone | The time that the advisory was last modified. |
security_advisory_withdrawn_at | timestamp with time zone | The time that the advisory was withdrawn. |
state | text | The state of the Dependabot alert. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | The time that the alert was last updated. |
url | text | The REST API URL of the alert resource. |
Organization External Identity
The table github_organization_external_identity offers information on the external identities of users in a GitHub organization. As an administrator of a GitHub organization, you can utilize this table to obtain a thorough view of the connected identities of users in your Identity Provider. This is especially beneficial when overseeing users in organizations that utilize SAML single sign-on (SSO) with GitHub.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
guid | text | Guid identifier for the external identity. |
organizationrequired | text | The organization the external identity is associated with. |
organization_invitation | jsonb | The invitation to the organization. |
saml_identity | jsonb | The external SAML identity. |
scim_identity | jsonb | The external SCIM identity. |
user_detail | jsonb | The GitHub user details. |
user_login | text | The GitHub user login. |
Organization Member
The github_organization_member table offers valuable information about the members belonging to a GitHub organization. Project managers and team leaders can use this table to delve into individual member details, such as their roles, permissions, and current status. It is a useful tool for discovering information like members' organizational roles, access levels, and activity status.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
any_pinnable_items | boolean | If true, user has pinnable items. |
avatar_url | text | The URL of the user's avatar. |
bio | text | The biography of the user. |
can_changed_pinned_items | boolean | If true, you can change the pinned items for this user. |
can_create_projects | boolean | If true, you can create projects for this user. |
can_follow | boolean | If true, you can follow this user. |
can_sponsor | boolean | If true, you can sponsor this user. |
company | text | The company on the users profile. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when user was created. |
text | The email of the user. | |
estimated_next_sponsors_payout_in_cents | bigint | The estimated next GitHub sponsors payout for this user in cents (USD). |
has_sponsors_listing | boolean | If true, user has a GitHub sponsors listing. |
has_two_factor_enabled | boolean | Whether the organization member has two factor enabled or not. Returns null if information is not available to viewer. |
id | bigint | The ID of the user. |
interaction_ability | jsonb | The interaction ability settings for this user. |
is_bounty_hunter | boolean | If true, user is a participant in the GitHub security bug bounty. |
is_campus_expert | boolean | If true, user is a participant in the GitHub campus experts program. |
is_developer_program_member | boolean | If true, user is a GitHub developer program member. |
is_employee | boolean | If true, user is a GitHub employee. |
is_following | boolean | If true, you are following this user. |
is_following_you | boolean | If true, user follows you. |
is_github_star | boolean | If true, user is a member of the GitHub Stars Program. |
is_hireable | boolean | If true, user has marked themselves as for hire. |
is_site_admin | boolean | If true, user is a site administrator. |
is_sponsoring | boolean | If true, you are sponsoring this user. |
is_sponsoring_you | boolean | If true, this user is sponsoring you. |
is_you | boolean | If true, user is you. |
location | text | The location of the user. |
login | text | The login name of the user. |
monthly_estimated_sponsors_income_in_cents | bigint | The estimated monthly GitHub sponsors income for this user in cents (USD). |
name | text | The name of the user. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the user. |
organizationrequired | text | The organization the member is associated with. |
pinned_items_remaining | bigint | How many more items this user can pin to their profile. |
projects_url | text | The URL listing user's projects. |
pronouns | text | The user's pronouns. |
role | text | The role this user has in the organization. Returns null if information is not available to viewer. |
sponsors_listing | jsonb | The GitHub sponsors listing for this user. |
status | jsonb | The user's status. |
twitter_username | text | Twitter username of the user. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when user was last updated. |
url | text | The URL of the user's GitHub page. |
website_url | text | The URL pointing to the user's public website/blog. |
Pull Request
The table github_pull_request offers valuable information about pull requests on GitHub. Developers and project managers can use this table to investigate specific details related to pull requests, such as their status, assignees, reviewers, and associated metadata. This tool can be utilized for monitoring the advancement of pull requests, pinpointing obstacles in the review process, and guaranteeing prompt merging of authorized modifications.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
active_lock_reason | text | Reason that the conversation was locked. |
additions | bigint | The number of additions in this pull request. |
assignees | jsonb | A list of Users assigned to the pull request. |
assignees_total_count | bigint | A count of users assigned to the pull request. |
author | jsonb | The author of the pull request. |
author_association | text | Author's association with the pull request. |
base_ref | jsonb | The base ref associated with the pull request. |
base_ref_name | text | Identifies the name of the base Ref associated with the pull request, even if the ref has been deleted. |
body | text | The body as Markdown. |
can_apply_suggestion | boolean | If true, current user can apply suggestions. |
can_close | boolean | If true, current user can close the pull request. |
can_delete_head_ref | boolean | If true, current user can delete/restore head ref. |
can_disable_auto_merge | boolean | If true, current user can disable auto-merge. |
can_edit_files | boolean | If true, current user can edit files within this pull request. |
can_enable_auto_merge | boolean | If true, current user can enable auto-merge. |
can_merge_as_admin | boolean | If true, current user can bypass branch protections and merge the pull request immediately. |
can_react | boolean | If true, current user can react to the pull request. |
can_reopen | boolean | If true, current user can reopen the pull request. |
can_subscribe | boolean | If true, current user can subscribe to the pull request. |
can_update | boolean | If true, current user can update the pull request. |
can_update_branch | boolean | If true, current user can update the head ref of the pull request by merging or rebasing the base ref. |
cannot_update_reasons | jsonb | Reasons why the current user cannot update the pull request, if applicable. |
changed_files | bigint | The number of files changed in this pull request. |
checks_url | text | URL for the checks of this pull request. |
closed | boolean | If true, pull request is closed. |
closed_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the pull request was closed. |
commits_total_count | bigint | A count of commits in the pull request. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the pull request was created. |
created_via_email | boolean | If true, pull request comment was created via email. |
deletions | bigint | The number of deletions in this pull request. |
did_author | boolean | If true, current user authored the pull request. |
editor | jsonb | The actor who edited the pull request's body. |
head_ref | jsonb | The head ref associated with the pull request. |
head_ref_name | text | Identifies the name of the head Ref associated with the pull request, even if the ref has been deleted. |
head_ref_oid | text | Identifies the oid/sha of the head ref associated with the pull request, even if the ref has been deleted. |
id | bigint | The ID of the pull request. |
includes_created_edit | boolean | If true, this pull request was edited and includes an edit with the creation data. |
is_cross_repository | boolean | If true, head and base repositories are different. |
is_draft | boolean | If true, the pull request is a draft. |
is_read_by_user | boolean | If true, this pull request was read by the current user. |
labels | jsonb | A map of labels for the pull request. |
labels_src | jsonb | The first 100 labels associated to the pull request. |
labels_total_count | bigint | A count of labels applied to the pull request. |
last_edited_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp the editor made the last edit. |
locked | boolean | If true, the pull request is locked. |
maintainer_can_modify | boolean | If true, maintainers can modify the pull request. |
merge_commit | jsonb | The merge commit associated the pull request, null if not merged. |
mergeable | text | Whether or not the pull request can be merged based on the existence of merge conflicts. |
merged | boolean | If true, the pull request was merged. |
merged_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when pull request was merged. |
merged_by | jsonb | The actor who merged the pull request. |
milestone | jsonb | The milestone associated with the pull request. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the pull request. |
number | bigint | The number of the pull request. |
permalink | text | Permanent URL for the pull request. |
published_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp the pull request was published. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | The full name of the repository the pull request belongs to. |
revert_url | text | URL to revert the pull request. |
review_decision | text | The current status of this pull request with respect to code review. |
review_requests_total_count | bigint | A count of reviews requested on the pull request. |
reviews_total_count | bigint | A count of completed reviews on the pull request. |
state | text | The current state of the pull request. |
subscription | text | Status of current users subscription to the pull request. |
suggested_reviewers | jsonb | Suggested reviewers for the pull request. |
title | text | The title of the pull request. |
total_comments_count | bigint | The number of comments on the pull request. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the pull request was last updated. |
url | text | URL of the pull request. |
Pull Request Comment
The table github_pull_request_comment offers valuable information about comments left on pull requests in a GitHub repository. Developers and project managers can delve into specific comment details in this table, such as the comment's content, author, date of creation, and related metadata. This resource can be used to gain insights into discussions and feedback on pull requests, helping to improve code reviews and encourage collaborative decision-making.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
author | jsonb | The actor who authored the comment. |
author_association | text | Author's association with the subject of the issue/pr the comment was raised on. |
author_login | text | The login of the comment author. |
body | text | The contents of the comment as markdown. |
body_text | text | The contents of the comment as text. |
can_delete | boolean | If true, user can delete the comment. |
can_minimize | boolean | If true, user can minimize the comment. |
can_react | boolean | If true, user can react to the comment. |
can_update | boolean | If true, user can update the comment. |
cannot_update_reasons | jsonb | A list of reasons why user cannot update the comment. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when comment was created. |
created_via_email | boolean | If true, comment was created via email. |
did_author | boolean | If true, user authored the comment. |
editor | jsonb | The actor who edited the comment. |
editor_login | text | The login of the comment editor. |
id | bigint | The ID of the comment. |
includes_created_edit | boolean | If true, comment was edited and includes an edit with the creation data. |
is_minimized | boolean | If true, comment has been minimized. |
last_edited_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when comment was last edited. |
minimized_reason | text | The reason for comment being minimized. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the comment. |
numberrequired | bigint | The issue/pr number. |
published_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when comment was published. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | The full name of the repository (login/repo-name). |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when comment was last updated. |
url | text | URL for the comment. |
Pull Request Review
The github_pull_request_review table offers information about how pull requests are reviewed on GitHub. Developers and team leads can use this table to delve into specific review details, such as comments, status, and reviewer information. This tool can help you grasp the feedback given on pull requests, track the approval status, and understand the code review procedures implemented in your projects.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
author | jsonb | The actor who authored the review. |
author_association | text | Author's association with the subject of the pr the review was raised on. |
author_can_push_to_repository | boolean | Indicates whether the author of this review has push access to the repository. |
author_login | text | The login of the review author. |
body | text | The body of the review. |
id | bigint | The ID of the review. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the review. |
numberrequired | bigint | The PR number. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | The full name of the repository (login/repo-name). |
state | text | The state of the review. |
submitted_at | timestamp with time zone | Identifies when the Pull Request Review was submitted. |
url | text | The HTTP URL permalink for this PullRequestReview. |
Rate Limit
The github_rate_limit table offers information on the rate limits established by GitHub for API usage. Developers and system administrators can utilize this table to track their application's API usage and ensure it remains within the specified limits to prevent any disruptions in service. Additionally, this table is valuable for strategizing and enhancing the allocation of API requests to boost efficiency and prevent hitting the rate limit.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
core_limit | bigint | The number of requests per hour the client is currently limited to. |
core_remaining | bigint | The number of remaining requests the client can make this hour. |
core_reset | timestamp with time zone | The time at which the current rate limit will reset. |
search_limit | bigint | The number of requests per hour the client is currently limited to. |
search_remaining | bigint | The number of remaining requests the client can make this hour. |
search_reset | timestamp with time zone | The time at which the current rate limit will reset. |
Rate Limit Graphql
The table github_rate_limit_graphql offers information about the rate limiting status of GitHub's GraphQL API. Developers or DevOps engineers can utilize this table to keep track of their application's current rate limit status for API usage. This tool is valuable for overseeing and improving how API requests are managed to remain within the permissible limits.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
cost | bigint | Number of points used to return this query. |
limit | bigint | Maximum number of points used that can be used in current allocation. |
node_count | bigint | Number of nodes returned by this query. |
remaining | bigint | Number of points remaining in current allocation. |
reset_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the allocation resets. |
used | bigint | Number of points used from current allocation. |
The GitHub Release table offers valuable information on GitHub Releases within a repository. For software developers or project managers, this table allows you to delve into specific details related to releases, such as release ID, tag name, draft status, prerelease status, and other relevant information. You can use this tool to monitor the development and status of various software versions, pinpoint any prerelease versions, and enhance the management of your software releases.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
assets | jsonb | List of assets contained in the release. |
assets_url | text | Assets URL for the release. |
author_login | text | The login name of the user that created the release. |
body | text | Text describing the contents of the tag. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Time when the release was created. |
draft | boolean | True if this is a draft (unpublished) release. |
html_url | text | HTML URL for the release. |
id | bigint | Unique ID of the release. |
name | text | The name of the release. |
node_id | text | Node where GitHub stores this data internally. |
prerelease | boolean | True if this is a prerelease version. |
published_at | timestamp with time zone | Time when the release was published. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | Full name of the repository that contains the release. |
tag_name | text | The name of the tag the release is associated with. |
tarball_url | text | Tarball URL for the release. |
target_commitish | text | Specifies the commitish value that determines where the Git tag is created from. Can be any branch or commit SHA. |
upload_url | text | Upload URL for the release. |
url | text | URL of the release. |
zipball_url | text | Zipball URL for the release. |
The table github_repository offers valuable information about GitHub repositories. Developers or project managers can use this table to delve into specific repository details, like owner information, repository names, descriptions, and visibility status. It can be used to discover details about the repositories, such as their visibility (public or private), the owner of each repository, and the description of its contents.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
allow_update_branch | boolean | If true, a pull request head branch that is behind its base branch can always be updated even if it is not required to be up to date before merging. |
archived_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when repository was archived. |
auto_merge_allowed | boolean | If true, auto-merge can be enabled on pull requests in this repository. |
can_administer | boolean | If true, you can administer this repository. |
can_create_projects | boolean | If true, you can create projects in this repository. |
can_subscribe | boolean | If true, you can subscribe to this repository. |
can_update_topics | boolean | If true, you can update topics on this repository. |
code_of_conduct | jsonb | The code of conduct for this repository. |
contact_links | jsonb | List of contact links associated to the repository. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the repository was created. |
default_branch_ref | jsonb | Default ref information. |
delete_branch_on_merge | boolean | If true, branches are automatically deleted when merged in this repository. |
description | text | The description of the repository. |
disk_usage | bigint | Number of kilobytes this repository occupies on disk. |
fork_count | bigint | Number of forks there are of this repository in the whole network. |
forking_allowed | boolean | If true, repository allows forks. |
full_namerequired | text | The full name of the repository, including the owner and repo name. |
funding_links | jsonb | The funding links for this repository. |
has_discussions_enabled | boolean | If true, the repository has the Discussions feature enabled. |
has_downloads | boolean | If true, the GitHub Downloads feature is enabled on the repository. |
has_issues_enabled | boolean | If true, the repository has issues feature enabled. |
has_pages | boolean | If true, the GitHub Pages feature is enabled on the repository. |
has_projects_enabled | boolean | If true, the repository has the Projects feature enabled. |
has_starred | boolean | If true, you have starred this repository. |
has_vulnerability_alerts_enabled | boolean | If true, vulnerability alerts are enabled for the repository. |
has_wiki_enabled | boolean | If true, the repository has wiki feature enabled. |
homepage_url | text | The external URL of the repository if set. |
hooks | jsonb | The API Hooks URL. |
id | bigint | The numeric ID of the repository. |
interaction_ability | jsonb | The interaction ability settings for this repository. |
is_archived | boolean | If true, the repository is unmaintained (archived). |
is_blank_issues_enabled | boolean | If true, blank issue creation is allowed. |
is_disabled | boolean | If true, this repository disabled. |
is_empty | boolean | If true, this repository is empty. |
is_fork | boolean | If true, the repository is a fork. |
is_in_organization | boolean | If true, repository is either owned by an organization, or is a private fork of an organization repository. |
is_locked | boolean | If true, repository is locked. |
is_mirror | boolean | If true, the repository is a mirror. |
is_private | boolean | If true, the repository is private or internal. |
is_security_policy_enabled | boolean | If true, repository has a security policy. |
is_template | boolean | If true, the repository is a template that can be used to generate new repositories. |
is_user_configuration_repository | boolean | If true, this is a user configuration repository. |
issue_templates | jsonb | A list of issue templates associated to the repository. |
license_info | jsonb | The license associated with the repository. |
lock_reason | text | The reason the repository has been locked. |
merge_commit_allowed | boolean | If true, PRs are merged with a merge commit on this repository. |
merge_commit_message | text | How the default commit message will be generated when merging a pull request. |
merge_commit_title | text | How the default commit title will be generated when merging a pull request. |
mirror_url | text | The repository's original mirror URL. |
name | text | The name of the repository. |
name_with_owner | text | The repository's name with owner. |
network_count | bigint | The number of member repositories in the network. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the repository. |
open_graph_image_url | text | The image used to represent this repository in Open Graph data. |
open_issues_total_count | bigint | Count of issues open on the repository. |
owner_login | text | Login of the repository owner. |
possible_commit_emails | jsonb | A list of emails you can commit to this repository with. |
primary_language | jsonb | The primary language of the repository's code. |
projects_url | text | The URL listing the repository's projects. |
pull_request_templates | jsonb | Returns a list of pull request templates associated to the repository. |
pushed_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the repository was last pushed to. |
rebase_merge_allowed | boolean | If true, rebase-merging is enabled on this repository. |
repository_topics_total_count | bigint | Count of topics associated with the repository. |
security_policy_url | text | The security policy URL. |
squash_merge_allowed | boolean | If true, squash-merging is enabled on this repository. |
squash_merge_commit_message | text | How the default commit message will be generated when squash merging a pull request. |
squash_merge_commit_title | text | How the default commit title will be generated when squash merging a pull request. |
ssh_url | text | The SSH URL to clone this repository. |
stargazer_count | bigint | Returns a count of how many stargazers there are on this repository. |
subscribers_count | bigint | The number of users who have subscribed to the repository. |
subscription | text | Identifies if the current user is watching, not watching, or ignoring the repository. |
topics | jsonb | The topics (similar to tags or labels) associated with the repository. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when repository was last updated. |
url | text | The URL of the repository. |
uses_custom_open_graph_image | boolean | if true, this repository has a custom image to use with Open Graph as opposed to being represented by the owner's avatar. |
visibility | text | Indicates the repository's visibility level. |
watchers_total_count | bigint | Count of watchers on the repository. |
web_commit_signoff_required | boolean | If true, contributors are required to sign off on web-based commits in this repository. |
your_permission | text | Your permission level on the repository. Will return null if authenticated as an GitHub App. |
Repository Collaborator
The table github_repository_collaborator offers information about the collaborators linked to GitHub repositories. If you manage a repository, you can utilize this table to investigate collaborators' details, such as their permissions and the status of any invitations they have. This information is valuable for controlling access and making sure that each collaborator has the correct level of permissions.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
affiliation | text | Affiliation filter - valid values 'ALL' (default), 'OUTSIDE', 'DIRECT'. |
permission | text | The permission the collaborator has on the repository. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | The full name of the repository, including the owner and repo name. |
user_login | text | The login of the collaborator |
Repository Dependabot Alert
The table github_repository_dependabot_alert offers valuable information on Dependabot alerts in GitHub repositories. If you are a project maintainer or security engineer, you can examine specific alert details in this table, such as the dependency's name, version, and linked security vulnerabilities. This resource can assist you in identifying potentially unsafe dependencies, enabling you to uphold your projects' security and reliability.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
alert_number | bigint | The security alert number. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | The time that the alert was created. |
dependency_manifest_path | text | The unique manifestation path within the ecosystem. |
dependency_package_ecosystem | text | The package's language or package management ecosystem. |
dependency_package_name | text | The unique package name within its ecosystem. |
dependency_scope | text | The execution scope of the vulnerable dependency. |
dismissed_at | timestamp with time zone | The time that the alert was dismissed. |
dismissed_comment | text | An optional comment associated with the alert's dismissal. |
dismissed_reason | text | The reason that the alert was dismissed. |
fixed_at | timestamp with time zone | The time that the alert was no longer detected and was considered fixed. |
html_url | text | The GitHub URL of the alert resource. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | The full name of the repository (login/repo-name). |
security_advisory_cve_id | text | The unique CVE ID assigned to the advisory. |
security_advisory_cvss_score | double precision | The overall CVSS score of the advisory. |
security_advisory_cvss_vector_string | text | The full CVSS vector string for the advisory. |
security_advisory_cwes | jsonb | The associated CWEs |
security_advisory_description | text | A long-form Markdown-supported description of the advisory. |
security_advisory_ghsa_id | text | The unique GitHub Security Advisory ID assigned to the advisory. |
security_advisory_published_at | timestamp with time zone | The time that the advisory was published. |
security_advisory_severity | text | The severity of the advisory. |
security_advisory_summary | text | A short, plain text summary of the advisory. |
security_advisory_updated_at | timestamp with time zone | The time that the advisory was last modified. |
security_advisory_withdrawn_at | timestamp with time zone | The time that the advisory was withdrawn. |
state | text | The state of the Dependabot alert. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | The time that the alert was last updated. |
url | text | The REST API URL of the alert resource. |
Repository Deployment
The table github_repository_deployment provides valuable information on the deployment details of GitHub repositories. For developers or project managers, this table can be utilized to access deployment status, environment, and associated metadata for individual repositories. This resource is beneficial for tracking deployment advancement, recognizing deployment trends, and addressing deployment challenges.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
commit_sha | text | SHA of the commit the deployment is using. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the deployment was created. |
creator | jsonb | The deployment creator. |
description | text | The description of the deployment. |
environment | text | The name of the environment to which the deployment was made. |
id | bigint | The ID of the deployment. |
latest_environment | text | The name of the latest environment to which the deployment was made. |
latest_status | jsonb | The latest status of the deployment. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the deployment. |
original_environment | text | The original environment to which this deployment was made. |
payload | text | Extra information that a deployment system might need. |
ref | jsonb | Identifies the Ref of the deployment, if the deployment was created by ref. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | The full name of the repository (login/repo-name). |
state | text | The current state of the deployment. |
task | text | The deployment task. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the deployment was last updated. |
Repository Environment
The github_repository_environment table offers information about GitHub repository environments. DevOps engineers and repository managers can use this table to delve into specific environment details such as names, URLs, and protection rules. It can be utilized for overseeing and controlling the deployment process to ensure safe and secure software deployment.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
id | bigint | The ID of the environment. |
name | text | The name of the environment. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the environment. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | The full name of the repository (login/repo-name). |
Repository Sbom
The table github_repository_sbom offers valuable information on the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) for GitHub Repositories. For software developers or security analysts, this table allows you to delve into the components, versions, and dependencies of a software application. It can be used to reveal important details about the SBOM, like the components utilized in a software application, their versions, and dependencies. This information is vital for vulnerability management and maintaining software integrity.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
creation_info | jsonb | It represents when the SBOM was created and who created it. |
data_license | text | The license under which the SPDX document is licensed. |
document_describes | jsonb | The name of the repository that the SPDX document describes. |
document_namespace | text | The namespace for the SPDX document. |
name | text | The name of the SPDX document. |
packages | jsonb | Array of packages in SPDX format. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | The full name of the repository (login/repo-name). |
spdx_id | text | The SPDX identifier for the SPDX document. |
spdx_version | text | The version of the SPDX specification that this document conforms to. |
Repository Vulnerability Alert
The table github_repository_vulnerability_alert offers information on repository vulnerability alerts in GitHub. Security analysts can examine specific details in the table, such as the status of alerts, the names of affected packages, and the affected ranges. This resource can be used to discover details about possible vulnerabilities, like highly severe ones, affected package versions, and confirming if fixed versions are available.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
auto_dismissed_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp at which the vulnerability alert was automatically dismissed. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the vulnerability alert was created. |
cvss_score | double precision | The CVSS score of the advisory associated with the vulnerability alert. |
dependency_scope | text | The dependency scope of the vulnerability alert, will be RUNTIME or DEVELOPMENT. |
dismiss_comment | text | Comment on the dismissal of the vulnerability alert. |
dismiss_reason | text | Reason for the dismissal of the vulnerability alert. |
dismissed_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp at which the vulnerability alert was dismissed. |
dismisser | jsonb | The user whom dismissed the vulnerability alert. |
fixed_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the vulnerability alert was marked as fixed. |
node_id | text | The node id of the vulnerability alert. |
number | bigint | Number of vulnerability alert. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | The full name of the repository, including the owner and repo name. |
security_advisory | jsonb | The security advisory associated with the vulnerability alert. |
security_vulnerability | jsonb | The vulnerability associated with the vulnerability alert. |
severity | text | Severity of the vulnerability. |
state | text | State of the vulnerability alert, will be 'OPEN', 'FIXED' or 'DISMISSED'. |
vulnerable_manifest_filename | text | Filename of the vulnerable manifest. |
vulnerable_manifest_path | text | Path of the vulnerable manifest. |
vulnerable_requirements | text | Vulnerable requirements from the manifest. |
Search Code
The table github_search_code offers valuable information about the code files found in GitHub repositories. Developers and DevOps engineers can use this table to delve into specific details of files, such as their names, paths, and related metadata. It is a useful resource for discovering details about the codebase, such as the types of files present, the organization of the repositories, and specifics about the code files.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
html_url | text | The complete URL of the file where the match has been found. |
name | text | The name of the file where the match has been found. |
path | text | The path of the file where the match has been found. |
queryrequired | text | The query used to match the code. |
repository | jsonb | The repository details of the file where the match has been found. |
repository_full_name | text | The full name of the repository (login/repo-name). |
sha | text | The SHA of the file where the match has been found. |
text_matches | jsonb | The text match details. |
Search Commit
The github_search_commit table provides valuable information on commit activities in GitHub repositories. Developers and project managers can use this table to monitor project progress, track changes, and ensure version control. It can be employed to search for particular commits using different criteria like author, date, and associated message.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
author | jsonb | The author details. |
comments_url | text | The API URL of the comments made on the commit. |
commit | jsonb | The commit details. |
committer | jsonb | The committer details. |
html_url | text | The Github URL of the commit. |
parents | jsonb | The parent details. |
queryrequired | text | The query used to match the commit. |
repository | jsonb | The repository details of the commit. |
repository_full_name | text | The full name of the repository (login/repo-name). |
score | double precision | The score of the commit. |
sha | text | The SHA of the commit. |
url | text | The API URL of the commit. |
Search Issue
The github_search_issue table offers a glimpse into problems found in GitHub repositories. Whether you're a project manager or developer, you can delve into issue-related specifics via this table, which includes information on status, assignees, labels, and related metadata. This resource can be used to reveal details about issues like their open status, the individuals assigned to them, and the labels linked to them.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
active_lock_reason | text | Reason that the conversation was locked. |
assignees | jsonb | A list of Users assigned to the issue. |
assignees_total_count | bigint | Count of assignees on the issue. |
author | jsonb | The actor who authored the issue. |
author_association | text | Author's association with the subject of the issue. |
author_login | text | The login of the issue author. |
body | text | Identifies the body of the issue. |
body_url | text | URL for this issue body. |
closed | boolean | If true, issue is closed. |
closed_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when issue was closed. |
comments_total_count | bigint | Count of comments on the issue. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when issue was created. |
created_via_email | boolean | If true, issue was created via email. |
editor | jsonb | The actor who edited the issue. |
full_database_id | bigint | Identifies the primary key from the database as a BigInt. |
id | bigint | The ID of the issue. |
includes_created_edit | boolean | If true, issue was edited and includes an edit with the creation data. |
is_pinned | boolean | if true, this issue is currently pinned to the repository issues list. |
is_read_by_user | boolean | if true, this issue has been read by the user. |
labels | jsonb | A map of labels for the issue. |
labels_src | jsonb | The first 100 labels associated to the issue. |
labels_total_count | bigint | Count of labels on the issue. |
last_edited_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when issue was last edited. |
locked | boolean | If true, issue is locked. |
milestone | jsonb | The milestone associated with the issue. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the issue. |
number | bigint | The issue number. |
published_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when issue was published. |
queryrequired | text | The query provided for the search. |
repository_full_name | text | The full name of the repository (login/repo-name). |
state | text | The state of the issue. |
state_reason | text | The reason for the issue state. |
text_matches | jsonb | The text match details. |
title | text | The title of the issue. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when issue was last updated. |
url | text | URL for the issue. |
user_can_close | boolean | If true, user can close the issue. |
user_can_react | boolean | If true, user can react on the issue. |
user_can_reopen | boolean | If true, user can reopen the issue. |
user_can_subscribe | boolean | If true, user can subscribe to the issue. |
user_can_update | boolean | If true, user can update the issue, |
user_cannot_update_reasons | jsonb | A list of reason why user cannot update the issue. |
user_did_author | boolean | If true, user authored the issue. |
user_subscription | text | Subscription state of the user to the issue. |
Search Label
The data in the github_search_label table offers valuable information about Labels in GitHub. Whether you're a project manager or a developer, you can delve into specific label characteristics presented in this table, such as color, default status, and linked metadata. This resource can be used to discover details about labels, such as how they are used in issues and pull requests, aiding in streamlined project management and issue tracking.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
color | text | The color assigned to the label. |
default | boolean | Whether the label is a default one. |
description | text | The description of the label. |
id | bigint | The ID of the label. |
name | text | The name of the label. |
queryrequired | text | The query used to match the label. |
repository_full_name | text | The full name of the repository (login/repo-name). |
repository_idrequired | bigint | The ID of the repository. |
score | double precision | The score of the label. |
text_matches | jsonb | The text match details. |
url | text | The API URL to get the label details. |
Search Pull Request
The table github_search_pull_request offers valuable information about pull requests in GitHub. Developers and project managers can use this table to delve into details related to pull requests, such as their status, creator, assignee, and related metadata. You can utilize this resource to track the advancement of suggested modifications, conduct code reviews, and uphold code quality in your repositories.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
active_lock_reason | text | Reason that the conversation was locked. |
additions | bigint | The number of additions in this pull request. |
assignees | jsonb | A list of Users assigned to the pull request. |
author | jsonb | The author of the pull request. |
author_association | text | Author's association with the pull request. |
base_ref_name | text | Identifies the name of the base Ref associated with the pull request, even if the ref has been deleted. |
body | text | The body as Markdown. |
changed_files | bigint | The number of files changed in this pull request. |
checks_url | text | URL for the checks of this pull request. |
closed | boolean | If true, pull request is closed. |
closed_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the pull request was closed. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the pull request was created. |
created_via_email | boolean | If true, pull request comment was created via email. |
deletions | bigint | The number of deletions in this pull request. |
editor | jsonb | The actor who edited the pull request's body. |
head_ref_name | text | Identifies the name of the head Ref associated with the pull request, even if the ref has been deleted. |
head_ref_oid | text | Identifies the oid/sha of the head ref associated with the pull request, even if the ref has been deleted. |
id | bigint | The ID of the pull request. |
includes_created_edit | boolean | If true, this pull request was edited and includes an edit with the creation data. |
is_cross_repository | boolean | If true, head and base repositories are different. |
is_draft | boolean | If true, the pull request is a draft. |
is_read_by_user | boolean | If true, this pull request was read by the current user. |
last_edited_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp the editor made the last edit. |
locked | boolean | If true, the pull request is locked. |
maintainer_can_modify | boolean | If true, maintainers can modify the pull request. |
mergeable | text | Whether or not the pull request can be merged based on the existence of merge conflicts. |
merged | boolean | If true, the pull request was merged. |
merged_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when pull request was merged. |
merged_by | jsonb | The actor who merged the pull request. |
milestone | jsonb | The milestone associated with the pull request. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the pull request. |
number | bigint | The number of the pull request. |
permalink | text | Permanent URL for the pull request. |
published_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp the pull request was published. |
queryrequired | text | The query provided for the search. |
repository_full_name | text | The full name of the repository the pull request belongs to. |
revert_url | text | URL to revert the pull request. |
review_decision | text | The current status of this pull request with respect to code review. |
state | text | The current state of the pull request. |
text_matches | jsonb | The text match details. |
title | text | The title of the pull request. |
total_comments_count | bigint | The number of comments on the pull request. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the pull request was last updated. |
url | text | URL of the pull request. |
Search Repository
The table github_search_repository offers valuable information about GitHub repositories. Developers and project managers can use this table to access detailed information about repositories, such as owner, name, description, and more. It is a useful tool for discovering repositories that match specific topics, languages, or other search criteria, as well as for effectively managing and organizing project files and resources.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
allow_update_branch | boolean | If true, a pull request head branch that is behind its base branch can always be updated even if it is not required to be up to date before merging. |
archived_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when repository was archived. |
auto_merge_allowed | boolean | If true, auto-merge can be enabled on pull requests in this repository. |
can_administer | boolean | If true, you can administer this repository. |
can_create_projects | boolean | If true, you can create projects in this repository. |
can_subscribe | boolean | If true, you can subscribe to this repository. |
can_update_topics | boolean | If true, you can update topics on this repository. |
code_of_conduct | jsonb | The code of conduct for this repository. |
contact_links | jsonb | List of contact links associated to the repository. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the repository was created. |
default_branch_ref | jsonb | Default ref information. |
delete_branch_on_merge | boolean | If true, branches are automatically deleted when merged in this repository. |
description | text | The description of the repository. |
disk_usage | bigint | Number of kilobytes this repository occupies on disk. |
fork_count | bigint | Number of forks there are of this repository in the whole network. |
forking_allowed | boolean | If true, repository allows forks. |
funding_links | jsonb | The funding links for this repository. |
has_discussions_enabled | boolean | If true, the repository has the Discussions feature enabled. |
has_downloads | boolean | If true, the GitHub Downloads feature is enabled on the repository. |
has_issues_enabled | boolean | If true, the repository has issues feature enabled. |
has_pages | boolean | If true, the GitHub Pages feature is enabled on the repository. |
has_projects_enabled | boolean | If true, the repository has the Projects feature enabled. |
has_starred | boolean | If true, you have starred this repository. |
has_vulnerability_alerts_enabled | boolean | If true, vulnerability alerts are enabled for the repository. |
has_wiki_enabled | boolean | If true, the repository has wiki feature enabled. |
homepage_url | text | The external URL of the repository if set. |
hooks | jsonb | The API Hooks URL. |
id | bigint | The numeric ID of the repository. |
interaction_ability | jsonb | The interaction ability settings for this repository. |
is_archived | boolean | If true, the repository is unmaintained (archived). |
is_blank_issues_enabled | boolean | If true, blank issue creation is allowed. |
is_disabled | boolean | If true, this repository disabled. |
is_empty | boolean | If true, this repository is empty. |
is_fork | boolean | If true, the repository is a fork. |
is_in_organization | boolean | If true, repository is either owned by an organization, or is a private fork of an organization repository. |
is_locked | boolean | If true, repository is locked. |
is_mirror | boolean | If true, the repository is a mirror. |
is_private | boolean | If true, the repository is private or internal. |
is_security_policy_enabled | boolean | If true, repository has a security policy. |
is_template | boolean | If true, the repository is a template that can be used to generate new repositories. |
is_user_configuration_repository | boolean | If true, this is a user configuration repository. |
issue_templates | jsonb | A list of issue templates associated to the repository. |
license_info | jsonb | The license associated with the repository. |
lock_reason | text | The reason the repository has been locked. |
merge_commit_allowed | boolean | If true, PRs are merged with a merge commit on this repository. |
merge_commit_message | text | How the default commit message will be generated when merging a pull request. |
merge_commit_title | text | How the default commit title will be generated when merging a pull request. |
mirror_url | text | The repository's original mirror URL. |
name | text | The name of the repository. |
name_with_owner | text | The repository's name with owner. |
network_count | bigint | The number of member repositories in the network. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the repository. |
open_graph_image_url | text | The image used to represent this repository in Open Graph data. |
open_issues_total_count | bigint | Count of issues open on the repository. |
owner_login | text | Login of the repository owner. |
possible_commit_emails | jsonb | A list of emails you can commit to this repository with. |
primary_language | jsonb | The primary language of the repository's code. |
projects_url | text | The URL listing the repository's projects. |
pull_request_templates | jsonb | Returns a list of pull request templates associated to the repository. |
pushed_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the repository was last pushed to. |
queryrequired | text | The query provided for the search. |
rebase_merge_allowed | boolean | If true, rebase-merging is enabled on this repository. |
repository_topics_total_count | bigint | Count of topics associated with the repository. |
security_policy_url | text | The security policy URL. |
squash_merge_allowed | boolean | If true, squash-merging is enabled on this repository. |
squash_merge_commit_message | text | How the default commit message will be generated when squash merging a pull request. |
squash_merge_commit_title | text | How the default commit title will be generated when squash merging a pull request. |
ssh_url | text | The SSH URL to clone this repository. |
stargazer_count | bigint | Returns a count of how many stargazers there are on this repository. |
subscribers_count | bigint | The number of users who have subscribed to the repository. |
subscription | text | Identifies if the current user is watching, not watching, or ignoring the repository. |
text_matches | jsonb | The text match details. |
topics | jsonb | The topics (similar to tags or labels) associated with the repository. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when repository was last updated. |
url | text | The URL of the repository. |
uses_custom_open_graph_image | boolean | if true, this repository has a custom image to use with Open Graph as opposed to being represented by the owner's avatar. |
visibility | text | Indicates the repository's visibility level. |
watchers_total_count | bigint | Count of watchers on the repository. |
web_commit_signoff_required | boolean | If true, contributors are required to sign off on web-based commits in this repository. |
your_permission | text | Your permission level on the repository. Will return null if authenticated as an GitHub App. |
Search Topic
The table github_search_topic offers valuable information on GitHub topics. Developers or project managers can delve into specific topic details using this table, such as linked repositories, star counts, and programming languages. This resource helps uncover data on trending topics, related repositories, and the widespread adoption of various technologies and industries.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | The timestamp when the topic was created. |
created_by | text | The creator of the topic. |
curated | boolean | Whether the topic is curated. |
description | text | The description of the topic. |
display_name | text | The display name of the topic. |
featured | boolean | Whether the topic is featured. |
name | text | The name of the topic. |
queryrequired | text | The query used to match the topic. |
score | double precision | The score of the topic. |
short_description | text | The short description of the topic. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | The timestamp when the topic was updated. |
Search User
The table github_search_user offers valuable information on user profiles on GitHub. Developers and security analysts can use this table to delve into specific user details like their login name, type, and score. It can be helpful in discovering user activity, the repositories they interact with, and their overall profile data.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
avatar_url | text | The URL of the user/organization's avatar. |
bio | text | The biography of the user. |
can_follow | boolean | If true, you can follow this user/organization. |
can_sponsor | boolean | If true, you can sponsor this user/organization. |
company | text | The company on the users profile. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when user/organization was created. |
description | text | The description of the organization. |
text | The email of the user/organization. | |
id | bigint | The ID of the user/organization. |
is_bounty_hunter | boolean | If true, user is a participant in the GitHub security bug bounty. |
is_campus_expert | boolean | If true, user is a participant in the GitHub campus experts program. |
is_developer_program_member | boolean | If true, user is a GitHub developer program member. |
is_employee | boolean | If true, user is a GitHub employee. |
is_following | boolean | If true, you are following this user/organization. |
is_following_you | boolean | If true, user follows you. |
is_github_star | boolean | If true, user is a member of the GitHub Stars Program. |
is_hireable | boolean | If true, user has marked themselves as for hire. |
is_site_admin | boolean | If true, user is a site administrator. |
is_sponsoring | boolean | If true, you are sponsoring this user/organization. |
is_you | boolean | If true, user is you. |
location | text | The location of the user/organization. |
login | text | The login name of the user/organization. |
name | text | The display name of the user/organization. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the user/organization. |
projects_url | text | The URL listing user/organization's projects. |
queryrequired | text | The query provided for the search. |
text_matches | jsonb | The text match details. |
twitter_username | text | Twitter username of the user/organization. |
type | text | Indicates if item is User or Organization. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when user/organization was last updated. |
url | text | The URL of the user/organization's GitHub page. |
website_url | text | The URL pointing to the user/organization's public website/blog. |
The table github_stargazer offers valuable information about GitHub Stargazers in a particular repository. If you are the owner or collaborator of a repository, you can use this table to access details specific to Stargazers, such as user profiles, timestamps of star creation, and related metadata. This table can help you discover who has shown interest in your repository, when they starred it, and how the popularity of your repository is evolving.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | Full name of the repository that contains the stargazer. |
starred_at | timestamp with time zone | Time when the stargazer was created. |
user_detail | jsonb | Details of the user who starred the repository. |
user_login | text | The login name of the user who starred the repository. |
The github_tag table offers valuable information about tags found in GitHub repositories. If you are a developer or release manager, you can use this table to delve into specific details related to tags, such as commit information, tag names, and details about the associated repositories. It can help you discover insights about tags linked to particular releases, the history of commits related to tags, and how version control is managed.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
commit | jsonb | Commit the tag is associated with. |
message | text | Message associated with the tag. |
name | text | Name of the tag. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | Full name of the repository that contains the tag. |
tagger_date | timestamp with time zone | Date the tag was created. |
tagger_login | text | Login of user whom created the tag. |
tagger_name | text | Name of user whom created the tag. |
The table github_team offers valuable information about the teams present in GitHub organizations. If you are a project manager or team lead, you can access team-specific information from this table, such as team ID, name, description, and privacy settings. This resource can help you in handling permissions, streamlining @mentions, and gaining insights into the social connections within your organization's repository permissions.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
ancestors_total_count | bigint | Count of ancestors this team has. |
avatar_url | text | URL for teams avatar. |
can_administer | boolean | If true, current user can administer the team. |
can_subscribe | boolean | If true, current user can subscribe to the team. |
child_teams_total_count | bigint | Count of children teams this team has. |
combined_slug | text | The slug corresponding to the organization and the team. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when team was created. |
description | text | The description of the team. |
discussions_total_count | bigint | Count of team discussions. |
discussions_url | text | URL for team discussions. |
edit_team_url | text | URL for editing this team. |
id | bigint | The ID of the team. |
invitations_total_count | bigint | Count of outstanding team member invitations for the team. |
members_total_count | bigint | Count of team members. |
members_url | text | URL for team members. |
name | text | The name of the team. |
new_team_url | text | The HTTP URL creating a new team. |
node_id | text | The node id of the team. |
organizationrequired | text | The organization the team is associated with. |
parent_team | jsonb | The teams parent team. |
privacy | text | The privacy setting of the team (VISIBLE or SECRET). |
projects_v2_total_count | bigint | Count of the teams v2 projects. |
repositories_total_count | bigint | Count of repositories the team has. |
repositories_url | text | URL for team repositories. |
slug | text | The team slug name. |
subscription | text | Subscription status of the current user to the team. |
teams_url | text | URL for this team's teams. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when team was last updated. |
url | text | URL for the team page in GitHub. |
Team Member
The table github_team_member offers valuable information about GitHub team members. Whether you are a project manager or team lead, you can use this table to delve into individual team members' roles and permissions within the teams. This resource enables you to efficiently oversee and organize your team, guaranteeing that each member has the necessary roles and permissions for their assigned responsibilities.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
any_pinnable_items | boolean | If true, user has pinnable items. |
avatar_url | text | The URL of the user's avatar. |
bio | text | The biography of the user. |
can_changed_pinned_items | boolean | If true, you can change the pinned items for this user. |
can_create_projects | boolean | If true, you can create projects for this user. |
can_follow | boolean | If true, you can follow this user. |
can_sponsor | boolean | If true, you can sponsor this user. |
company | text | The company on the users profile. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when user was created. |
text | The email of the user. | |
estimated_next_sponsors_payout_in_cents | bigint | The estimated next GitHub sponsors payout for this user in cents (USD). |
has_sponsors_listing | boolean | If true, user has a GitHub sponsors listing. |
id | bigint | The ID of the user. |
interaction_ability | jsonb | The interaction ability settings for this user. |
is_bounty_hunter | boolean | If true, user is a participant in the GitHub security bug bounty. |
is_campus_expert | boolean | If true, user is a participant in the GitHub campus experts program. |
is_developer_program_member | boolean | If true, user is a GitHub developer program member. |
is_employee | boolean | If true, user is a GitHub employee. |
is_following | boolean | If true, you are following this user. |
is_following_you | boolean | If true, user follows you. |
is_github_star | boolean | If true, user is a member of the GitHub Stars Program. |
is_hireable | boolean | If true, user has marked themselves as for hire. |
is_site_admin | boolean | If true, user is a site administrator. |
is_sponsoring | boolean | If true, you are sponsoring this user. |
is_sponsoring_you | boolean | If true, this user is sponsoring you. |
is_you | boolean | If true, user is you. |
location | text | The location of the user. |
login | text | The login name of the user. |
monthly_estimated_sponsors_income_in_cents | bigint | The estimated monthly GitHub sponsors income for this user in cents (USD). |
name | text | The name of the user. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the user. |
organizationrequired | text | The organization the team is associated with. |
pinned_items_remaining | bigint | How many more items this user can pin to their profile. |
projects_url | text | The URL listing user's projects. |
pronouns | text | The user's pronouns. |
role | text | The team member's role (MEMBER, MAINTAINER). |
slugrequired | text | The team slug name. |
sponsors_listing | jsonb | The GitHub sponsors listing for this user. |
status | jsonb | The user's status. |
twitter_username | text | Twitter username of the user. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when user was last updated. |
url | text | The URL of the user's GitHub page. |
website_url | text | The URL pointing to the user's public website/blog. |
Team Repository
The table github_team_repository offers valuable information about the connection between teams and repositories in a GitHub organization. If you're a project manager or team lead, you can use this table to delve into team-specific access details, like repository permissions and associated metadata. It's a helpful tool for discovering insights about team access to repositories, such as admin permissions, the interplay between teams and repositories, and the verification of access policies.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
allow_update_branch | boolean | If true, a pull request head branch that is behind its base branch can always be updated even if it is not required to be up to date before merging. |
archived_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when repository was archived. |
auto_merge_allowed | boolean | If true, auto-merge can be enabled on pull requests in this repository. |
can_administer | boolean | If true, you can administer this repository. |
can_create_projects | boolean | If true, you can create projects in this repository. |
can_subscribe | boolean | If true, you can subscribe to this repository. |
can_update_topics | boolean | If true, you can update topics on this repository. |
code_of_conduct | jsonb | The code of conduct for this repository. |
contact_links | jsonb | List of contact links associated to the repository. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the repository was created. |
default_branch_ref | jsonb | Default ref information. |
delete_branch_on_merge | boolean | If true, branches are automatically deleted when merged in this repository. |
description | text | The description of the repository. |
disk_usage | bigint | Number of kilobytes this repository occupies on disk. |
fork_count | bigint | Number of forks there are of this repository in the whole network. |
forking_allowed | boolean | If true, repository allows forks. |
funding_links | jsonb | The funding links for this repository. |
has_discussions_enabled | boolean | If true, the repository has the Discussions feature enabled. |
has_downloads | boolean | If true, the GitHub Downloads feature is enabled on the repository. |
has_issues_enabled | boolean | If true, the repository has issues feature enabled. |
has_pages | boolean | If true, the GitHub Pages feature is enabled on the repository. |
has_projects_enabled | boolean | If true, the repository has the Projects feature enabled. |
has_starred | boolean | If true, you have starred this repository. |
has_vulnerability_alerts_enabled | boolean | If true, vulnerability alerts are enabled for the repository. |
has_wiki_enabled | boolean | If true, the repository has wiki feature enabled. |
homepage_url | text | The external URL of the repository if set. |
hooks | jsonb | The API Hooks URL. |
id | bigint | The numeric ID of the repository. |
interaction_ability | jsonb | The interaction ability settings for this repository. |
is_archived | boolean | If true, the repository is unmaintained (archived). |
is_blank_issues_enabled | boolean | If true, blank issue creation is allowed. |
is_disabled | boolean | If true, this repository disabled. |
is_empty | boolean | If true, this repository is empty. |
is_fork | boolean | If true, the repository is a fork. |
is_in_organization | boolean | If true, repository is either owned by an organization, or is a private fork of an organization repository. |
is_locked | boolean | If true, repository is locked. |
is_mirror | boolean | If true, the repository is a mirror. |
is_private | boolean | If true, the repository is private or internal. |
is_security_policy_enabled | boolean | If true, repository has a security policy. |
is_template | boolean | If true, the repository is a template that can be used to generate new repositories. |
is_user_configuration_repository | boolean | If true, this is a user configuration repository. |
issue_templates | jsonb | A list of issue templates associated to the repository. |
license_info | jsonb | The license associated with the repository. |
lock_reason | text | The reason the repository has been locked. |
merge_commit_allowed | boolean | If true, PRs are merged with a merge commit on this repository. |
merge_commit_message | text | How the default commit message will be generated when merging a pull request. |
merge_commit_title | text | How the default commit title will be generated when merging a pull request. |
mirror_url | text | The repository's original mirror URL. |
name | text | The name of the repository. |
name_with_owner | text | The repository's name with owner. |
network_count | bigint | The number of member repositories in the network. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the repository. |
open_graph_image_url | text | The image used to represent this repository in Open Graph data. |
open_issues_total_count | bigint | Count of issues open on the repository. |
organizationrequired | text | The organization the team is associated with. |
owner_login | text | Login of the repository owner. |
permission | text | The permission level the team has on the repository. |
possible_commit_emails | jsonb | A list of emails you can commit to this repository with. |
primary_language | jsonb | The primary language of the repository's code. |
projects_url | text | The URL listing the repository's projects. |
pull_request_templates | jsonb | Returns a list of pull request templates associated to the repository. |
pushed_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the repository was last pushed to. |
rebase_merge_allowed | boolean | If true, rebase-merging is enabled on this repository. |
repository_topics_total_count | bigint | Count of topics associated with the repository. |
security_policy_url | text | The security policy URL. |
slugrequired | text | The team slug name. |
squash_merge_allowed | boolean | If true, squash-merging is enabled on this repository. |
squash_merge_commit_message | text | How the default commit message will be generated when squash merging a pull request. |
squash_merge_commit_title | text | How the default commit title will be generated when squash merging a pull request. |
ssh_url | text | The SSH URL to clone this repository. |
stargazer_count | bigint | Returns a count of how many stargazers there are on this repository. |
subscribers_count | bigint | The number of users who have subscribed to the repository. |
subscription | text | Identifies if the current user is watching, not watching, or ignoring the repository. |
topics | jsonb | The topics (similar to tags or labels) associated with the repository. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when repository was last updated. |
url | text | The URL of the repository. |
uses_custom_open_graph_image | boolean | if true, this repository has a custom image to use with Open Graph as opposed to being represented by the owner's avatar. |
visibility | text | Indicates the repository's visibility level. |
watchers_total_count | bigint | Count of watchers on the repository. |
web_commit_signoff_required | boolean | If true, contributors are required to sign off on web-based commits in this repository. |
your_permission | text | Your permission level on the repository. Will return null if authenticated as an GitHub App. |
Traffic View Daily
The table github_traffic_view_daily offers valuable information on daily views of repositories on GitHub. repository owners can analyze details specific to views using this table, such as view count, unique visitors, and the timestamp of views. This data can be used to discover insights about views, like highly trafficked ones, peak viewing times, and confirming viewing patterns.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
count | bigint | View count for the day. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | Full name of the repository that contains the branch. |
timestamp | timestamp with time zone | Date for the view data. |
uniques | bigint | Unique viewer count for the day. |
Traffic View Weekly
The table github_traffic_view_weekly offers valuable information on the weekly traffic views on GitHub. Repository owners or contributors can delve into weekly view data in this table, which includes details like view counts, unique visitors, and timestamps. Use this resource to discover insights about repository popularity, such as peak viewing periods, trending repositories, and the audience reach of your repository.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
count | bigint | View count for the week. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | Full name of the repository that contains the branch. |
timestamp | timestamp with time zone | Date for the view data. |
uniques | bigint | Unique viewer count for the week. |
The github_tree table offers valuable information about the tree structures found in GitHub Repositories. Developers and project managers can use this table to examine the file and directory hierarchy of each repository, including details like file names, types, and metadata. This resource can be used to discover insights about how repositories are organized, including the distribution of file types and the level of directory nesting.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
mode | text | File mode. Valid values are 100644 (blob file), 100755 (blob executable), 040000 (tree subdirectory), 160000 (commit submodule), 120000 (blob that specifies path of a symlink). |
path | text | The file referenced in the tree. |
recursive | boolean | If set to true, return objects or subtrees referenced by the tree. Defaults to false. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | Full name of the repository that contains the tree. |
sha | text | SHA1 checksum ID of the object in the tree. |
size | text | Size of the blob. |
tree_sharequired | text | SHA1 of the tree. |
truncated | boolean | True if the entires were truncated because the number of items in the tree exceeded Github's maximum limit. |
type | text | Either blob, tree, or commit. |
url | text | URL to the file referenced in the tree. |
The table github_user offers valuable information about individual user accounts on GitHub. Developers and project managers can use this table to access user-specific information like profiles, activities, and contributions. It can be utilized to discover details about users, such as their public profiles, registration date on GitHub, and their contributions to repositories.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
any_pinnable_items | boolean | If true, user has pinnable items. |
avatar_url | text | The URL of the user's avatar. |
bio | text | The biography of the user. |
can_changed_pinned_items | boolean | If true, you can change the pinned items for this user. |
can_create_projects | boolean | If true, you can create projects for this user. |
can_follow | boolean | If true, you can follow this user. |
can_sponsor | boolean | If true, you can sponsor this user. |
closed_pull_requests_total_count | bigint | Count of closed pull requests associated with the user. |
company | text | The company on the users profile. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when user was created. |
text | The email of the user. | |
estimated_next_sponsors_payout_in_cents | bigint | The estimated next GitHub sponsors payout for this user in cents (USD). |
followers_total_count | bigint | Count of how many users this user follows. |
following_total_count | bigint | Count of how many users follow this user. |
has_sponsors_listing | boolean | If true, user has a GitHub sponsors listing. |
id | bigint | The ID of the user. |
interaction_ability | jsonb | The interaction ability settings for this user. |
is_bounty_hunter | boolean | If true, user is a participant in the GitHub security bug bounty. |
is_campus_expert | boolean | If true, user is a participant in the GitHub campus experts program. |
is_developer_program_member | boolean | If true, user is a GitHub developer program member. |
is_employee | boolean | If true, user is a GitHub employee. |
is_following | boolean | If true, you are following this user. |
is_following_you | boolean | If true, user follows you. |
is_github_star | boolean | If true, user is a member of the GitHub Stars Program. |
is_hireable | boolean | If true, user has marked themselves as for hire. |
is_site_admin | boolean | If true, user is a site administrator. |
is_sponsoring | boolean | If true, you are sponsoring this user. |
is_sponsoring_you | boolean | If true, this user is sponsoring you. |
is_you | boolean | If true, user is you. |
issues_total_count | bigint | Count of issues associated with the user. |
location | text | The location of the user. |
loginrequired | text | The login name of the user. |
merged_pull_requests_total_count | bigint | Count of merged pull requests associated with the user. |
monthly_estimated_sponsors_income_in_cents | bigint | The estimated monthly GitHub sponsors income for this user in cents (USD). |
name | text | The name of the user. |
node_id | text | The node ID of the user. |
open_pull_requests_total_count | bigint | Count of open pull requests associated with the user. |
organizations_total_count | bigint | Count of organizations the user belongs to. |
packages_total_count | bigint | Count of packages hosted by the user. |
pinned_items_remaining | bigint | How many more items this user can pin to their profile. |
pinned_items_total_count | bigint | Count of items pinned on the users profile. |
private_repositories_total_count | bigint | Count of private repositories for the user. |
projects_url | text | The URL listing user's projects. |
pronouns | text | The user's pronouns. |
public_gists_total_count | bigint | Count of public gists for the user. |
public_keys_total_count | bigint | Count of public keys associated with the user. |
public_repositories_total_count | bigint | Count of public repositories for the user. |
repositories_total_disk_usage | bigint | Total disk spaced used by the users repositories. |
sponsoring_total_count | bigint | Count of users that this user is sponsoring. |
sponsors_listing | jsonb | The GitHub sponsors listing for this user. |
sponsors_total_count | bigint | Count of users sponsoring this user. |
starred_repositories_total_count | bigint | Count of repositories the user has starred. |
status | jsonb | The user's status. |
twitter_username | text | Twitter username of the user. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when user was last updated. |
url | text | The URL of the user's GitHub page. |
watching_total_count | bigint | Count of repositories being watched by the user. |
website_url | text | The URL pointing to the user's public website/blog. |
The github_workflow table offers information about Workflows in GitHub Actions. DevOps engineers can use this table to delve into specific details related to workflows, such as configurations, status, and linked branches. It serves as a tool for monitoring and controlling workflows, including those triggered by specific events, the branches connected to a workflow, and ensuring the correctness of workflow configurations.
Name | Type | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. |
badge_url | text | Badge URL for the workflow. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Time when the workflow was created. |
html_url | text | HTML URL for the workflow. |
id | bigint | Unique ID of the workflow. |
name | text | The name of the workflow. |
node_id | text | Node where GitHub stores this data internally. |
path | text | Path of the workflow. |
pipeline | jsonb | Github workflow in the generic pipeline entity format to be used across CI/CD platforms. |
repository_full_namerequired | text | Full name of the repository that contains the workflow. |
state | text | State of the workflow. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Time when the workflow was updated. |
url | text | URL of the workflow. |
workflow_file_content | text | Content of github workflow file in text format. |
workflow_file_content_json | jsonb | Content of github workflow file in the JSON format. |
We would like to acknowledge the amazing work from the Steampipe community, from which this documentation and examples were derived.