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Site configuration

The file raw-site.yml must be placed at the GitHub repository root folder and defines global settings.


This file configures the API endpoint to be enabled (i.e. published by RAW) and to be prefixed by the path /hello-world, which is defined by publishUrl.

raw-site.yml example
raw: "0.10" # Site spec file version (required).
publishUrl: hello-world # If defined, adds this as base path
# to all endpoints in this repository/branch (optional)
enabled: true # If not specified, defaults to true (optional).
# If false, the branch will remain as inactive and will not be published.
prefixWithBranchName: true # If set to true the branch name will be prepended
# to the endpoint url (optional).
skipPrefixForBranches: # List of branch names to not be prefixed in the path (optional).
- main
- master


rawstringyesSite spec version. Accepted values: "0.10"(default), 0.9(deprecated), "0.9"(deprecated).
publishURLstringnoAdds a base path to all endpoints.
If defined, all endpoints in this branch will be published at: https://<youraccount><publishURL>/path/to/endpoint.
If not defined, all endpoints in this branch will be published at: https://<youraccount>
prefixWithBranchNamebooleannoIf set to true, the branch name will be prepended to the endpoint url.
For example:<publishURL>/<branch>/endpoint
skipPrefixForBranchesarray[string]noContains the list of branches that should not be prefixed with the branch name. Default is 'main' and 'master'.
enabledbooleannoIndicates if the repository/branch is enabled for publication. If false, the branch will be rendered as Inactive in the branches section