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Endpoint configuration

Endpoints are defined as YAML files.

The endpoint YAML file defines code, metadata, security and deployment settings for an endpoint.

Endpoint YAML files can be located anywhere in the repository tree. The path of the file will become the deployment URL, without the .yml extension.

See the YAML Overview for more information about the folder structure.

Minimal Example

A basic 0.11 definition with only the required fields:

raw: "0.11"            # Endpoint spec version (required)
httpMethod: GET # Allowed: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
title: "My Minimal Endpoint" # 'metadata.title' is mandatory
codeLanguage: snapi # Allowed: snapi, sql
codeFile: "../code.snapi"
format: json # Allowed: json, csv, text, binary

This defines an endpoint that:

  • Responds to GET requests.
  • Uses a SNAPI file ../code.snapi.
  • Outputs JSON format.
  • Has minimal metadata (a title).

Full Example

A fully loaded sample with all fields:

raw: "0.11"
httpMethod: POST
title: "My Full Endpoint"
description: "Demonstrates all fields in version 0.11"
- advanced
- example
termsOfService: ""
author: "Jane Doe"
name: "Tech Support"
url: ""
email: ""
name: "Apache-2.0"
url: ""
version: 1.2
codeLanguage: snapi
codeFile: "../function.snapi"
format: csv
parametersLocation: body # For POST/PUT, defaults to 'body'
mime-type: "text/csv"
declaration: "my_function"
public: false
- sales
computeClass: normal
computeLimitSeconds: 10
cacheSizeMB: 200
expireSeconds: 60
enabled: true
- name: "Basic test"
description: "No arguments"
- name: "Test with arguments"
- key: "customer"
value: "ABC"

Definition of Fields

Below are the top-level fields and their descriptions. Detailed tables for metadata, security, and tests follow.

Top-level fields

rawstringyesEndpoint definition version. Must be "0.11".
httpMethodstringyesHTTP method. Allowed values: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.
metadataobjectyesMetadata about the endpoint. Must contain at least title. (See Metadata object fields).
codeLanguagestringyesCode language. Allowed values: snapi or sql.
codeFilestringyesRelative path to the code file in this repository.
formatstringyesOutput format. Allowed: json, csv, text, binary.
parametersLocationstringnoWhere parameters are read from: query or body. Defaults to query if httpMethod is GET/DELETE, and body if POST/PUT. Note: If httpMethod is GET, parametersLocation must be query.
mime-typestringnoCustom MIME type (e.g., text/csv). If mime-type is defined, format will be ignored
declarationstringnoFunction name in the code file to run. If omitted, the code itself must evaluate to an expression.
securityobjectnoSecurity policies. Defaults to public: false and empty scopes. (See Security object fields).
computeClassstringnoCompute class. Currently only "normal" is supported.
computeLimitSecondsinteger (>=1)noMaximum runtime in seconds before execution is interrupted.
cacheSizeMBinteger (>=1)noCache size in MB for caching results.
expireSecondsinteger (>=0)noCache expiration in seconds. 0 means no caching.
enabledbooleannoWhether the endpoint is active. Defaults to true.
testsarray of objectsnoA collection of test cases. See Tests object fields.

Metadata object fields

metadata.titlestringyesA short display title for the endpoint.
metadata.descriptionstringnoA longer description or summary.
metadata.tagsstring[]noA unique list of tags describing the endpoint.
metadata.termsOfServicestringnoTerms of service or a link.
metadata.authorstringnoThe author or owner of the endpoint.
metadata.contactobjectnoContact information (requires a name). See below.
metadata.licenseobjectnoLicense reference (requires a name). See below.
metadata.versionstring | numbernoA version label or number for the endpoint. fields:

FieldTypeRequiredDescription person or team name. for more info or support. address for contact.

metadata.license fields:

metadata.license.namestringyesLicense name, e.g. "MIT", "Apache-2.0".
metadata.license.urlstringnoURL pointing to a license page or text.

Security object fields

security.publicbooleanyesIf true, the endpoint is public. If false, only authenticated users with matching scopes can access.
security.scopesstring[]noOne or more scopes required for access. A token containing at least one of these scopes is permitted.

general rules for scopes

You can define an array of scopes in the definition. Any user that contains at least one of the defined scopes of the endpoint definition will be able to list and execute the endpoint.

Maximum length allowed for each scope: 256 characters

Regular expression pattern that permits scope values: see endpoint-schemaV0.11.json

Examples of allowed scope literals:

  • examplescope
  • example:scope
  • example-scope
  • example_scope
  • another-example:scope
  • another_example:scope_1
  • another_example:scope_2
  • another_example:a1
  • another_example:a-1

Examples of not allowed scope literals:

  • no spaces allowed
  • not::allowed
  • :invalid
  • not_allowed_2_dashes_with_double_colon:any
  • not_allowed_with_more_dashes:1
  • not_allowed_with_more_dashes:any
  • not-allowed-more:1
  • not-allowed:1
  • not-allowed:-asdf
  • ::::::::
  • ----:____
  • ----
  • ____

Tests object fields

tests[].namestring (>=3 chars)yesA short identifier for the test case.
tests[].descriptionstringnoLonger explanation of what the test checks.
tests[].argumentsarray of objectsnoA set of key-value pairs representing query parameters for the endpoint.

arguments array items:

keystringyesThe name of the argument.
valuestringyesThe corresponding value.

Migrating from Older Versions (0.9 or 0.10)

To move from 0.9 or 0.10 to 0.11:

  1. Schema version

    • Change raw: "0.9" / raw: "0.10" to raw: "0.11".
  2. Method field

    • Old: endpoint: GET
    • New: httpMethod: GET
  3. Language field

    • Old: code: snapi / code: sql
    • New: codeLanguage: snapi / codeLanguage: sql
  4. Metadata requirement

    • Now required. At least metadata.title is needed.
  5. Parameters location

    • parametersLocation defaults to query for GET/DELETE, body for POST/PUT.
    • For GET, only query is valid.
  6. Expire seconds

    • Now can be 0 to disable caching.
  7. Other adjustments

    • Ensure renamed fields match the 0.11 schema.
    • Remove any fields that are not supported in 0.11.