Example: Where is the International Space Station (ISS)?
This example shows how to create an API that combines data from multiple web services.
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If you want to try this example, you can deploy the following endpoint:
ISS location
- Overview
- Code
iss = Json.InferAndRead("http://api.open-notify.org/iss-now.json"),
latitude = iss.iss_position.latitude,
longitude = iss.iss_position.longitude,
geoQuery = latitude + "," + longitude,
key = Environment.Secret("opencagedata"),
httpQuery = Http.Get(
args = [{"q", geoQuery}, {"key", key}, {"no_annotations", "1"}]
issGeoLoc = Json.InferAndRead(httpQuery, preferNulls = true)
The goal is to obtain the nearest location on Earth to the International Space Station. For this, we combine two existing APIs:
- https://api.open-notify.org/, which gives us the ISS coordinates in real-time;
- https://opencagedata.com/, which implements a reverse geocoding service to obtain the city nearest to a given set of coordinates.
The resulting REST API returns a list of the couple of places the ISS is flying over.
For instance, at the time of development, a call would return:
"Adrar, Mauritania"
Getting the ISS position
Here's the API call to get the ISS location: http://api.open-notify.org/iss-now.json
Here's an example response this service returns:
"message": "success",
"timestamp": 1675083740,
"iss_position": {
"longitude": "106.5087",
"latitude": "38.2938"
The message only includes GPS coordinates and does not explicitly states where the ISS is in the world. To find a named location, we need reverse geocoding of the ISS latitude and longitude.
Reverse Geocoding
Many geocoding APIs are available. We use the OpenCage Geocoding API. This service requires an API key that is generated when creating an account. Both the API key and the coordinates have to be provided as query parameters, e.g.:
Latitude and longitude of the ISS are extracted from the former JSON record after it is downloaded and parsed with Json.InferAndRead
let iss = Json.InferAndRead("http://api.open-notify.org/iss-now.json"),
latitude = iss.iss_position.latitude,
longitude = iss.iss_position.longitude,
Here's how to prepare the HTTP query to OpenCage and retrieve the result.
let //
// ...
geoQuery = latitude + "+" + longitude, // a URL parameter required by the API
key = Environment.Secret("opencagedata"), // the API key is stored as a secret
httpQuery = Http.Get(
args = [
{"q", geoQuery},
{"key", key},
{"no_annotations", "1"} // no_annotations returns simpler data
// etc.
issGeoLoc = Json.InferAndRead(httpQuery, preferNulls = true)
The call returns a JSON record with lots of information. We need the location's name. It is found under field name formatted
"documentation": "https://opencagedata.com/api",
"results": [
"formatted": "Adrar, Mauritania"
"status": {
"code": 200,
"message": "OK"
Once issGeoLoc
is populated with the geolocation data, the city name is easily retrieved from issGeoLoc.results.formatted
Putting it all together
Here's the full code of our service.
iss = Json.InferAndRead("http://api.open-notify.org/iss-now.json"),
latitude = iss.iss_position.latitude,
longitude = iss.iss_position.longitude,
geoQuery = latitude + "+" + longitude,
key = Environment.Secret("opencagedata"),
httpQuery = Http.Get(
args = [
{"q", geoQuery},
{"key", key},
{"no_annotations", "1"}
issGeoLoc = Json.InferAndRead(httpQuery, preferNulls = true)
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