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Library of HTTP functions.



Creates an HTTP DELETE location.

Http.Delete(url: string, bodyString: optional string, bodyBinary: optional binary, token: optional string, authCredentialName: optional string, clientId: optional string, clientSecret: optional string, authProvider: optional string, tokenUrl: optional string, useBasicAuth: optional bool, username: optional string, password: optional string, args: optional list, headers: optional list, expectedStatus: optional list)
  • url: The HTTP URL.

  • bodyString: The string data to send as the body of the request. Cannot be used with bodyBinary.

  • bodyBinary: The data to send as the body of the request. Cannot be used with bodyString.

  • token: The bearer token to be passed as the Authorization header of the request.

  • authCredentialName: The name of the HTTP credential registered in the credentials storage.

  • clientId: The client ID to use for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientSecret and tokenUrl.

  • clientSecret: The client secret to use for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId and either authProvider or tokenUrl.

  • authProvider: The provider for client ID client secret OAuth flow. Requires clientId and clientSecret.

  • tokenUrl: The URL to be used for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId and clientSecret.

  • useBasicAuth: If true, uses basic auth for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId, clientSecret and tokenUrl.

  • username: The username to be used for basic authentication. Requires password.

  • password: The password to be used for basic authentication. Requires username.

  • args: The query parameters arguments for the HTTP request, e.g. [{"name", "john"}, {"age", "22"}]. They are URL-encoded automatically.

  • headers: The HTTP headers to include in the request, e.g. [{"Authorization", "Bearer 1234"}, {"Accept", "application/json"}].

  • expectedStatus: The list of expected statuses.

  • location: A location to read from.
headers = [{"Content-Type", "application/json"}],
args = [{"download", "true"}],
bodyString = Json.Print({name: "john", age: 35})

Any key/value pair with a null key or value in the headers or in the args parameters will be omitted and won't be included in the request.


Creates an HTTP GET location.

Http.Get(url: string, bodyString: optional string, bodyBinary: optional binary, token: optional string, authCredentialName: optional string, clientId: optional string, clientSecret: optional string, authProvider: optional string, tokenUrl: optional string, useBasicAuth: optional bool, username: optional string, password: optional string, args: optional list, headers: optional list, expectedStatus: optional list)
  • url: The HTTP URL.

  • bodyString: The string data to send as the body of the request. Cannot be used with bodyBinary.

  • bodyBinary: The data to send as the body of the request. Cannot be used with bodyString.

  • token: The bearer token to be passed as the Authorization header of the request.

  • authCredentialName: The name of the HTTP credential registered in the credentials storage.

  • clientId: The client ID to use for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientSecret and tokenUrl.

  • clientSecret: The client secret to use for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId and either authProvider or tokenUrl.

  • authProvider: The provider for client ID client secret OAuth flow. Requires clientId and clientSecret.

  • tokenUrl: The URL to be used for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId and clientSecret.

  • useBasicAuth: If true, uses basic auth for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId, clientSecret and tokenUrl.

  • username: The username to be used for basic authentication. Requires password.

  • password: The password to be used for basic authentication. Requires username.

  • args: The query parameters arguments for the HTTP request, e.g. [{"name", "john"}, {"age", "22"}]. They are URL-encoded automatically.

  • headers: The HTTP headers to include in the request, e.g. [{"Authorization", "Bearer 1234"}, {"Accept", "application/json"}].

  • expectedStatus: The list of expected statuses.

  • location: A location to read from.
headers = [{"Content-Type", "application/json"}],
args = [{"download", "true"}],
bodyString = Json.Print({name: "john", age: 35})

Any key/value pair with a null key or value in the headers or in the args parameters will be omitted and won't be included in the request.

Creates an HTTP HEAD location.

Http.Head(url: string, bodyString: optional string, bodyBinary: optional binary, token: optional string, authCredentialName: optional string, clientId: optional string, clientSecret: optional string, authProvider: optional string, tokenUrl: optional string, useBasicAuth: optional bool, username: optional string, password: optional string, args: optional list, headers: optional list, expectedStatus: optional list)
  • url: The HTTP URL.

  • bodyString: The string data to send as the body of the request. Cannot be used with bodyBinary.

  • bodyBinary: The data to send as the body of the request. Cannot be used with bodyString.

  • token: The bearer token to be passed as the Authorization header of the request.

  • authCredentialName: The name of the HTTP credential registered in the credentials storage.

  • clientId: The client ID to use for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientSecret and tokenUrl.

  • clientSecret: The client secret to use for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId and either authProvider or tokenUrl.

  • authProvider: The provider for client ID client secret OAuth flow. Requires clientId and clientSecret.

  • tokenUrl: The URL to be used for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId and clientSecret.

  • useBasicAuth: If true, uses basic auth for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId, clientSecret and tokenUrl.

  • username: The username to be used for basic authentication. Requires password.

  • password: The password to be used for basic authentication. Requires username.

  • args: The query parameters arguments for the HTTP request, e.g. [{"name", "john"}, {"age", "22"}]. They are URL-encoded automatically.

  • headers: The HTTP headers to include in the request, e.g. [{"Authorization", "Bearer 1234"}, {"Accept", "application/json"}].

  • expectedStatus: The list of expected statuses.

  • location: A location to read from.
headers = [{"Content-Type", "application/json"}],
args = [{"download", "true"}],
bodyString = Json.Print({name: "john", age: 35})

Any key/value pair with a null key or value in the headers or in the args parameters will be omitted and won't be included in the request.


Creates an HTTP OPTIONS location.

Http.Options(url: string, bodyString: optional string, bodyBinary: optional binary, token: optional string, authCredentialName: optional string, clientId: optional string, clientSecret: optional string, authProvider: optional string, tokenUrl: optional string, useBasicAuth: optional bool, username: optional string, password: optional string, args: optional list, headers: optional list, expectedStatus: optional list)
  • url: The HTTP URL.

  • bodyString: The string data to send as the body of the request. Cannot be used with bodyBinary.

  • bodyBinary: The data to send as the body of the request. Cannot be used with bodyString.

  • token: The bearer token to be passed as the Authorization header of the request.

  • authCredentialName: The name of the HTTP credential registered in the credentials storage.

  • clientId: The client ID to use for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientSecret and tokenUrl.

  • clientSecret: The client secret to use for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId and either authProvider or tokenUrl.

  • authProvider: The provider for client ID client secret OAuth flow. Requires clientId and clientSecret.

  • tokenUrl: The URL to be used for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId and clientSecret.

  • useBasicAuth: If true, uses basic auth for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId, clientSecret and tokenUrl.

  • username: The username to be used for basic authentication. Requires password.

  • password: The password to be used for basic authentication. Requires username.

  • args: The query parameters arguments for the HTTP request, e.g. [{"name", "john"}, {"age", "22"}]. They are URL-encoded automatically.

  • headers: The HTTP headers to include in the request, e.g. [{"Authorization", "Bearer 1234"}, {"Accept", "application/json"}].

  • expectedStatus: The list of expected statuses.

  • location: A location to read from.
headers = [{"Content-Type", "application/json"}],
args = [{"download", "true"}],
bodyString = Json.Print({name: "john", age: 35})

Any key/value pair with a null key or value in the headers or in the args parameters will be omitted and won't be included in the request.


Creates an HTTP PATCH location.

Http.Patch(url: string, bodyString: optional string, bodyBinary: optional binary, token: optional string, authCredentialName: optional string, clientId: optional string, clientSecret: optional string, authProvider: optional string, tokenUrl: optional string, useBasicAuth: optional bool, username: optional string, password: optional string, args: optional list, headers: optional list, expectedStatus: optional list)
  • url: The HTTP URL.

  • bodyString: The string data to send as the body of the request. Cannot be used with bodyBinary.

  • bodyBinary: The data to send as the body of the request. Cannot be used with bodyString.

  • token: The bearer token to be passed as the Authorization header of the request.

  • authCredentialName: The name of the HTTP credential registered in the credentials storage.

  • clientId: The client ID to use for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientSecret and tokenUrl.

  • clientSecret: The client secret to use for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId and either authProvider or tokenUrl.

  • authProvider: The provider for client ID client secret OAuth flow. Requires clientId and clientSecret.

  • tokenUrl: The URL to be used for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId and clientSecret.

  • useBasicAuth: If true, uses basic auth for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId, clientSecret and tokenUrl.

  • username: The username to be used for basic authentication. Requires password.

  • password: The password to be used for basic authentication. Requires username.

  • args: The query parameters arguments for the HTTP request, e.g. [{"name", "john"}, {"age", "22"}]. They are URL-encoded automatically.

  • headers: The HTTP headers to include in the request, e.g. [{"Authorization", "Bearer 1234"}, {"Accept", "application/json"}].

  • expectedStatus: The list of expected statuses.

  • location: A location to read from.
headers = [{"Content-Type", "application/json"}],
args = [{"download", "true"}],
bodyString = Json.Print({name: "john", age: 35})

Any key/value pair with a null key or value in the headers or in the args parameters will be omitted and won't be included in the request.


Creates an HTTP POST location.

Http.Post(url: string, bodyString: optional string, bodyBinary: optional binary, token: optional string, authCredentialName: optional string, clientId: optional string, clientSecret: optional string, authProvider: optional string, tokenUrl: optional string, useBasicAuth: optional bool, username: optional string, password: optional string, args: optional list, headers: optional list, expectedStatus: optional list)
  • url: The HTTP URL.

  • bodyString: The string data to send as the body of the request. Cannot be used with bodyBinary.

  • bodyBinary: The data to send as the body of the request. Cannot be used with bodyString.

  • token: The bearer token to be passed as the Authorization header of the request.

  • authCredentialName: The name of the HTTP credential registered in the credentials storage.

  • clientId: The client ID to use for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientSecret and tokenUrl.

  • clientSecret: The client secret to use for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId and either authProvider or tokenUrl.

  • authProvider: The provider for client ID client secret OAuth flow. Requires clientId and clientSecret.

  • tokenUrl: The URL to be used for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId and clientSecret.

  • useBasicAuth: If true, uses basic auth for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId, clientSecret and tokenUrl.

  • username: The username to be used for basic authentication. Requires password.

  • password: The password to be used for basic authentication. Requires username.

  • args: The query parameters arguments for the HTTP request, e.g. [{"name", "john"}, {"age", "22"}]. They are URL-encoded automatically.

  • headers: The HTTP headers to include in the request, e.g. [{"Authorization", "Bearer 1234"}, {"Accept", "application/json"}].

  • expectedStatus: The list of expected statuses.

  • location: A location to read from.
headers = [{"Content-Type", "application/json"}],
args = [{"download", "true"}],
bodyString = Json.Print({name: "john", age: 35})

Any key/value pair with a null key or value in the headers or in the args parameters will be omitted and won't be included in the request.


Creates an HTTP PUT location.

Http.Put(url: string, bodyString: optional string, bodyBinary: optional binary, token: optional string, authCredentialName: optional string, clientId: optional string, clientSecret: optional string, authProvider: optional string, tokenUrl: optional string, useBasicAuth: optional bool, username: optional string, password: optional string, args: optional list, headers: optional list, expectedStatus: optional list)
  • url: The HTTP URL.

  • bodyString: The string data to send as the body of the request. Cannot be used with bodyBinary.

  • bodyBinary: The data to send as the body of the request. Cannot be used with bodyString.

  • token: The bearer token to be passed as the Authorization header of the request.

  • authCredentialName: The name of the HTTP credential registered in the credentials storage.

  • clientId: The client ID to use for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientSecret and tokenUrl.

  • clientSecret: The client secret to use for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId and either authProvider or tokenUrl.

  • authProvider: The provider for client ID client secret OAuth flow. Requires clientId and clientSecret.

  • tokenUrl: The URL to be used for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId and clientSecret.

  • useBasicAuth: If true, uses basic auth for the client credentials OAuth flow. Requires clientId, clientSecret and tokenUrl.

  • username: The username to be used for basic authentication. Requires password.

  • password: The password to be used for basic authentication. Requires username.

  • args: The query parameters arguments for the HTTP request, e.g. [{"name", "john"}, {"age", "22"}]. They are URL-encoded automatically.

  • headers: The HTTP headers to include in the request, e.g. [{"Authorization", "Bearer 1234"}, {"Accept", "application/json"}].

  • expectedStatus: The list of expected statuses.

  • location: A location to read from.
headers = [{"Content-Type", "application/json"}],
args = [{"download", "true"}],
bodyString = Json.Print({name: "john", age: 35})

Any key/value pair with a null key or value in the headers or in the args parameters will be omitted and won't be included in the request.


Makes an HTTP call

Http.Read(location: location, expectedStatus: list)
  • location: The HTTP location.

  • expectedStatus: The list of expected HTTP status codes. If the response status code received is not on the list, the call fails with an error.

  • record(status: int, data: binary, headers: list(record(_1: string, _2: string)))): The HTTP response.
request = Http.Read(
bodyString = "Hello World",
username = "user",
password = "passwd"
String.Decode(, "utf-8")"


Decodes a URL-encoded string.

Http.UrlDecode(value: string)
  • value: The string to decode.
  • string: The decoded string.


Encodes a string as a URL.

Http.UrlEncode(value: string)
  • value: The string to encode.
  • string: The encoded string.