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Example: Integrating data across multiple S3 accounts

This example illustrates how to create an API that merges data from two separate S3 buckets each under separate AWS accounts.


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We have been given two sets of credentials for two different S3 buckets, each of which contains JSON files of a specific format.


If you want to try this example, you can deploy the following endpoint:

Read dta from S3 buckets across separate AWS accounts
Learn how to serve data live from two S3 buckets across two separate AWS accounts.



Here's for example a file found in bucket s3://log-server-a.

"creation_date": "2022-04-01",
"entries": [{"hostname": "host01"}, {"hostname": "host02"}]

Here's a file found in the second bucket s3://log-server-b.

"creation_date": "2022-04-03",
"entries": [{"hostname": "host95"}, {"hostname": "host96"}, {"hostname": "host97"}]

We're interested in the content of the entries field of these JSON files. Our goal is to read every JSON file across both buckets and merge their entries lists into a single one.

["host01","host02", ...., "host95","host96","host97"]

The code executed by the REST API works as follows.

The read_logs function computes the list of all hostnames found in a given bucket.

read_logs(bucket: string, path: string, aws_config: record(region: string, accessKey: string, secret: string)) =
// list all files of the bucket path
bucketLocation = S3.Build(
region = aws_config.region,
accessKey = aws_config.accessKey,
secretKey = aws_config.secret
files = Location.Ls(bucketLocation),
// open each file as JSON
contents = List.Transform(files, f -> Json.Read(f, json_type)),
// `Explode` the entries field
entries = List.Explode(contents, c -> c.entries)
// project only the 'hostname' column to obtain the expected list of strings

read_logs is called on both s3://log-server-a and s3://log-server-b with the corresponding set of credentials.

awsAccountA = {region: "eu-west-1", accessKey: "<access-key-for-a>", secret: "<secret-for-a>"},
awsAccountB = {region: "eu-west-1", accessKey: "<access-key-for-b>", secret: "<secret-for-b>"}
// Union the lists returned by `read_logs` for both buckets/accounts.
in List.Union(
read_logs("log-bucket-a", "/*.json", awsAccountA),
read_logs("log-bucket-b", "/*.json", awsAccountB)

Never store sensitive information as clear text in the code. Instead use secrets, which are key/value pairs that are stored securely outside of the source code. Secrets can be accessed using the built-in function Environment.Secret.

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